From the Projects to the Palace: A Rags to Riches to True Riches Story Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Greg Hershberg

From the Projects to the Palace: A Rags to Riches to True Riches Story

Greg Hershberg

The author grew up in the Bronx in New York City in the 1960's. His family lived in one of the monstrously tall, low income buildings that look more like a row of prisons than homes. As a teenager his future looked bleak, to say the least. He had a few positive influences in his life, but could n... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti US Edition
21,95 €
Saatavuus: Arvioimme, että tuote lähtee kuljetukseen 20-30 arkipäivän kuluessa. Kokonaistoimitusaikaan vaikuttaa valittu toimitustapa. Tilaustuote.
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The author grew up in the Bronx in New York City in the 1960's. His family lived in one of the monstrously tall, low income buildings that look more like a row of prisons than homes. As a teenager his future looked bleak, to say the least. He had a few positive influences in his life, but could n... Lue lisää

The author grew up in the Bronx in New York City in the 1960's. His family lived in one of the monstrously tall, low income buildings that look more like a row of prisons than homes. As a teenager his future looked bleak, to say the least. He had a few positive influences in his life, but could not untangle his heart nor satisfy the emptiness within. In the end, find out what did both for him. He managed to come out of the housing projects and become a very successful businessman, but still felt empty. Find out what happened to bring him to the only True Source of true riches and inner peace. Since then he has been able to help others find freedom from their limitations. Today he is influencing people all over the world, making a true difference in their lives.

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Varaa tuote myymälästä kätevästi alla olevalla lomakkeella. Saat ilmoituksen jopa saman päivän aikana myymälän aukioloaikojen puitteissa, kun tuote on noudettavissa. Kun saat noutoilmoituksen, pidämme tuotetta varattuna ilmoituspäivän sekä seuraavan myymälän aukiolopäivän. Maksu suoritetaan noudettaessa. Lue lisää.


Valitse aluksi myymälä, jolloin näet myymälän saldotilanteen.

Saat ilmoituksen jopa saman päivän aikana myymälän aukioloaikojen puitteissa, kun tuote on noudettavissa. Sesonkiaikoina käsittelyaika voi olla pidempi. Odotathan noutoilmoitusta, ennen kuin lähdet noutamaan varaustasi. Kun saat noutoilmoituksen, pidämme tuotetta varattuna ilmoituspäivän sekä seuraavan myymälän aukiolopäivän.