You Are Not Broken: Stop Should-Ing All Over Your Sex Life
Is your sex life amazing?
Probably not, if you're like most women. In fact, "amazing" isn't even close to how you've ever experienced sex-but it isn't your fault. You can thank Hollywood's portrayals and society's silence for your crappy sex life. Rarely do we learn what truly makes sex grea... Lue lisää
Is your sex life amazing?
Probably not, if you're like most women. In fact, "amazing" isn't even close to how you've ever experienced sex-but it isn't your fault. You can thank Hollywood's portrayals and society's silence for your crappy sex life. Rarely do we learn what truly makes sex grea... Lue lisää
Probably not, if you're like most women. In fact, "amazing" isn't even close to how you've ever experienced sex-but it isn't your fault. You can thank Hollywood's portrayals and society's silence for your crappy sex life. Rarely do we learn what truly makes sex great for women, why understanding anatomy matters, or how our pleasure is not just important but vital. In You Are Not Broken, Dr. Kelly Casperson offers a unique perspective as a urologist, coach, and fellow woman wondering, when it comes to sex, "Is this all there is?" Dr. Casperson explores how to adjust your mindset and provides an in-depth look at what makes women physiologically unique. Better sex creates a better relationship between you and your partner. With real-life stories, ideas for journaling, and tips to get the conversation going, this book is the sex empowerment secret weapon you really need to live the life you've always wanted. Praise for You Are Not Broken: "We don't talk about sexual struggles enough. It's very much a taboo topic still. Dr. Kelly Casperson is my go-to person, providing education and solutions with a healthy dose of humor and the best personality. This book should be on every woman's bookshelf!"-- Amanda Thebe, author of Menopocalypse "I was thrilled to find Dr. Kelly Casperson and her podcast, course, and now book You Are Not Broken as a resource for my patients--as an ob-gyn for twenty-two years, I often hear women anxiously whisper to me in hushed tones that they are certain 'something is wrong with them' when they report their 'decreased libido' despite being in long-term/happy relationships. Now Dr. Casperson continues to debunk the myths, bust the stigma, and help us all connect more with ourselves and our partners! Kudos!"-- Shieva Ghofrany, MD, Co-Founder of Tribe Called V "We are so excited for this book! Kelly joined us on our #MOMTRUTHS podcast to chat about all things sex, and she literally blew our minds with her insight and advice, so we can't wait to read more!"-- Cat and Nat "In a world where there is so much medical misinformation, a lack of research in women's sexual health, and very few doctors who specialize, Dr. Casperson is trying to tackle it all. She has made it her mission to help people better understand their minds and bodies and what gets them excited."
-- Rachel Rubin, MD, urologist and sexual medicine specialist "Kelly Casperson's approach to low sexual desire is relatable and no-nonsense, with a good dose of humor thrown in. She asks the questions we all want to know while giving the commentary we are all secretly thinking."-- Jill Krapf, MD "Dr. Casperson is a godsend to my patients and students. She is the first provider I have heard tackle the difficult and misunderstood subject of female sexual function that makes a woman feel empowered rather than shamed. My students are rabid fans of her podcast and thank me constantly for the referral. She is revolutionizing women's sexual health and I am here for it!"
-- Mary Claire Haver, MD, FACOG, Founder of the Galveston Diet
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Sheldon Press
- ISBN 9781399813600
- Tuotekoodi 9781399813600
- Kirjoittajat Kelly Casperson
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 10.09.2024
- Vuosi 2024
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk terveys (lääket, eläinlääk)
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 208
- Avainsanat Sexuality; Human Sexuality (see also Social Science - Human Sexuality)
- Kirjastoluokka HEA
- Pituus (mm) 213
- Leveys (mm) 135
- Korkeus (mm) 18
- Paino (g) 227
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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