Taming 7 Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Epic emotional and addictive romance from the TikTok phenomenon
Chloe Walsh

Taming 7

Epic emotional and addictive romance from the TikTok phenomenon
Chloe Walsh

Taming 7 is an epic and unforgettable love story in the international bestselling and TikTok-phenomenon The Boys of Tommen series, from Chloe Walsh.

The power and pain of first love has never been more deeply felt than in Chloe Walsh''s extraordinary stories about the irresistible Boys of... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti UK Edition
15,95 €
Saatavuus: Arvioimme, että tuote lähtee kuljetukseen 2-4 arkipäivän kuluessa. Kokonaistoimitusaikaan vaikuttaa valittu toimitustapa.
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Taming 7 is an epic and unforgettable love story in the international bestselling and TikTok-phenomenon The Boys of Tommen series, from Chloe Walsh.

The power and pain of first love has never been more deeply felt than in Chloe Walsh''s extraordinary stories about the irresistible Boys of... Lue lisää

Taming 7 is an epic and unforgettable love story in the international bestselling and TikTok-phenomenon The Boys of Tommen series, from Chloe Walsh.

The power and pain of first love has never been more deeply felt than in Chloe Walsh''s extraordinary stories about the irresistible Boys of Tommen, which will give you the ultimate book hangover.

The reader reaction to The Boys of Tommen says it all!

''This universe is all consuming. Chloe Walsh has some serious talent''
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

''I adore this world & the found family this series has brought into my life and I don''t know what I was before I read this''
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

''Chloe Walsh will always be my number one author''
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

She''s the quintessential sunshine girl. He''s the lovable class clown. But storm clouds are rolling in, and this Tommen boy is about to get serious.

Tommen''s cheeky lad, Gerard ''Gibsie'' Gibson, is a comedian at heart, but underneath his happy-go-lucky-nature lurks a broken boy, tortured by the events of his past. Using humour to cope with his demons, Gibsie hides everything from the world.

Only one person knows who he truly is on the inside. His friend''s little sister. His Claire-bear.

Enveloped in sunshine, Claire Biggs has spent her whole life adoring the boy across the street. Her brother''s friend. Seeing a side to Gerard that no one else sees, Claire is determined to tame her wild-at-heart childhood best friend.

But when the unexpected occurs and lines are crossed, will Gibsie and Claire''s friendship survive? Will it blossom into something more, or will they lose themselves in the riptide?

Want more of The Boys of Tommen? Read all of the series so far:
Binding 13
Keeping 13
Saving 6
Redeeming 6
Taming 7

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