Son of the Black Sword Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Larry Correia

Son of the Black Sword

Larry Correia

#1 IN A NEW EPIC FANTASY SERIES from Monster Hunter series creator and New York Times best-selling author, Larry Correia! After the War of the Gods, the demons were cast out and fell to the world. Mankind was nearly eradicated by the seemingly unstoppable beasts, until the gods sent the great her... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
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#1 IN A NEW EPIC FANTASY SERIES from Monster Hunter series creator and New York Times best-selling author, Larry Correia! After the War of the Gods, the demons were cast out and fell to the world. Mankind was nearly eradicated by the seemingly unstoppable beasts, until the gods sent the great her... Lue lisää

#1 IN A NEW EPIC FANTASY SERIES from Monster Hunter series creator and New York Times best-selling author, Larry Correia! After the War of the Gods, the demons were cast out and fell to the world. Mankind was nearly eradicated by the seemingly unstoppable beasts, until the gods sent the great hero, Ramrowan, to save them. He united the tribes, gave them magic, and drove the demons into the sea. Ever since the land has belonged to man and the oceans have remained an uncrossable hell, leaving the continent of Lok isolated. It was prophesized that someday the demons would return, and only the descendants of Ramrowan would be able to defeat them. They became the first kings, and all men served those who were their only hope for survival. As centuries passed, the descendants of the great hero grew in number and power. They became tyrannical and cruel, and their religion nothing but an excuse for greed. Gods and demons became myth and legend, and the people no longer believed. The castes created to serve the Sons of Ramrowan rose up and destroyed their rulers. All religion was banned and replaced by a code of unflinching law. The surviving royalty and their priests were made casteless, condemned to live as untouchables, and the Age of Law began. Ashok Vadal has been chosen by a powerful ancient weapon to be its bearer. He is a Protector, member of an elite militant order of roving law enforcers. No one is more merciless in rooting out those who secretly practice the old ways. Everything is black or white, good or evil, until he discovers his entire life is a fraud. Ashok isn't who he thinks he is, and when he finds himself on the wrong side of the law, the consequences lead to rebellion, war--and destruction. About Son of the Black Sword:
"This book has everything I like in fantasy: intense action scenes, evil in horrifying array, good struggling against the darkness, and most of all people--gorgeously flawed human beings faced with horrible moral choices that force them to question and change and grow."--Jim Butcher, creator of the New York Times best-selling Dresden Files "Best-selling fantasy author Correia casts a compelling spell with this India-influenced series opener. . . . Correia skillfully sets in motion this story of plots within plots, revealing complex, sympathetic characters and black-hearted villains with equal detail and insight. Full of action, intrigue, and wry humor, this exciting series launch promises many more thrills to come."--Publishers Weekly (starred review) "Fans who like Correia's fast-moving style will be pleased with the plethora of action scenes, and epic fantasy readers interested in delving into a new universe should be equally satisfied. A solid choice for admirers of Brent Weeks and Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series."--Library Journal "Correia is, above all, a storyteller, and he weaves a unique and entertaining tale.Without question, his action sequences pop on the page, his magic system has a nice wrinkle, and he has the foundations laid out for some excellent character growth as the series continues. . . . [A] definite hit."--Bookreporter "The lore here is fascinating and well told. I enjoyed learning the history of the world and the legend of Ramrowan. The politics are just complicated enough to feel real without being too difficult to follow. Where the book truly shines, however, is in the characters. All are well drawn and distinctively voiced."--SFCrowsnest "I loved the book, it was great, fast paced, with wonderful characters, and also a lot of wonderful scenes that screamed to be painted."--Larry Elmore, legendary, award-winning artist, and cover artist for Son of the Black Sword. "Son of the Black Sword: Saga of the Forgotten Warrior tells of what happens after the war with the gods, when demons were cast out and fell to the world to nearly destroy these unstoppable beasts until the gods sent a hero to save them. Centuries have passed since this event and the people have regulated these events to legend. One Ashok has been chosen to be a protector with a powerful weapon in hand, uncovering those who still practice old ways and are potential dangers to the order - but when he discovers all his efforts have been based on a lie, everything's about to change. A powerful epic fantasy evolves into a solid, compelling read."--Midwest Book Reivew About the Urban Fantasy of Larry Correia:
"[A] no-holds-barred all-out page turner that is part science fiction, part horror, and an absolute blast to read." "If you love monsters and action, you'll love this book. If you love guns, you'll love this book. If you love fantasy, and especially horror fantasy, you'll love this book." "A gun person who likes science fiction--or, heck, anyone who likes science fiction--will enjoy [these books]. . . The plotting is excellent, and Correia makes you care about the characters...I read both books without putting them down except for work . . . so whaddaya waitin' for? Go and buy some . . . for yourself and for stocking stuffers."--Massad Ayoob "This lighthearted, testosterone-soaked sequel to 2009's Monster Hunter International will delight fans of action horror with elaborate weaponry, hand-to-hand combat, disgusting monsters, and an endless stream of blood and body parts."--Publishers Weekly on Monster Hunter Vendetta
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Baen
  • ISBN 9781476781570
  • Tuotekoodi 9781476781570
  • Kirjoittajat Larry Correia
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 30.08.2016
  • Vuosi 2016
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Genretunnus FA
  • Sivumäärä 544
  • Avainsanat Sagas; Fantasy - Epic
  • Kirjastoluokka FIC
  • Pituus (mm) 170
  • Leveys (mm) 107
  • Korkeus (mm) 33
  • Paino (g) 272
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Mass market -pokkari (US)

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