Qed: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Richard P. Feynman

Qed: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter

Richard P. Feynman

Feynman's bestselling introduction to the mind-blowing physics of QED--presented with humor, not mathematics Celebrated for his brilliantly quirky insights into the physical world, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman also possessed an extraordinary talent for explaining difficult concepts to the publi... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
22,95 €
Saatavuus: Arvioimme, että tuote lähtee kuljetukseen 20-30 arkipäivän kuluessa. Kokonaistoimitusaikaan vaikuttaa valittu toimitustapa. Tilaustuote.
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Feynman's bestselling introduction to the mind-blowing physics of QED--presented with humor, not mathematics Celebrated for his brilliantly quirky insights into the physical world, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman also possessed an extraordinary talent for explaining difficult concepts to the publi... Lue lisää

Feynman's bestselling introduction to the mind-blowing physics of QED--presented with humor, not mathematics Celebrated for his brilliantly quirky insights into the physical world, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman also possessed an extraordinary talent for explaining difficult concepts to the public. In this extraordinary book, Feynman provides a lively and accessible introduction to QED, or quantum electrodynamics, an area of quantum field theory that describes the interactions of light with charged particles. Using everyday language, spatial concepts, visualizations, and his renowned Feynman diagrams instead of advanced mathematics, Feynman clearly and humorously communicates the substance and spirit of QED to the nonscientist. With an incisive introduction by A. Zee that places Feynman's contribution to QED in historical context and highlights Feynman's uniquely appealing and illuminating style, this Princeton Science Library edition of QED makes Feynman's legendary talks on quantum electrodynamics available to a new generation of readers.

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