Memorize the Faith!: (And Most Anything Else) Using Methods of the Great Catholic Medieval Memory Masters Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Kevin Vost

Memorize the Faith!: (And Most Anything Else) Using Methods of the Great Catholic Medieval Memory Masters

Kevin Vost

"They laughed when I said I could name all 27 books of the New Testament . . . but after I named them all in order, plus the 46 books of the Old Testament, they begged me to show them how I did it."Yes, I know that memorizing the Faith is no substitute for living a holy life, but even devout peop... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
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"They laughed when I said I could name all 27 books of the New Testament . . . but after I named them all in order, plus the 46 books of the Old Testament, they begged me to show them how I did it."Yes, I know that memorizing the Faith is no substitute for living a holy life, but even devout peop... Lue lisää

"They laughed when I said I could name all 27 books of the New Testament . . . but after I named them all in order, plus the 46 books of the Old Testament, they begged me to show them how I did it."Yes, I know that memorizing the Faith is no substitute for living a holy life, but even devout people can't live by truths and precepts they don't remember.That's why, over 700 years ago, St. Thomas Aquinas perfected an easy method for his students to memorize most any information, but especially the truths taught by Christ and His Church.As the years passed, our need for this ancient art of memorization grew, yet somehow our culture largely forgot it . . . which is why today, when you and I try to remember a list of things, we have to repeat their names over and over. Or, to remember to call the dentist, we tie a string on our finger. And we clutch at any means whatsoever to recall our passwords for ATMs, credit cards, and voicemail, our login names for Yahoo, eBay, and Amazon, and the host of other names and numbers that clog our minds and clutter our days.Now, thanks to the delightful pages of Memorize the Faith!, you can easily keep all these in mind - and learn the Faith! - by tapping into the power of the classical memory system that helped St. Thomas become the Church's preeminent theologian, and made it easier for him to become one of its greatest saints.Here, Catholic scholar Kevin Vost makes available again Aquinas's easy-to-learn method - the method Dr. Vost himself has used for decades to recall names, dates, phone numbers, the first dozen digits of pi (3.141592653589) and even whether, when his wife called him at work today, she asked him to bring home ice cream and toffee . . . or was it truffles and coffee?Indeed, Dr. Vost will teach you to remember virtually anything, but he devotes most of his book to showing you how to improve your memory of Catholic truths so you can live the Faith better.By the time you finish this book, you will have memorized dozens of key teachings of the Church, along with hundreds of precepts, traditions, theological terms, Scripture verses, and other elements of the Faith that every good Catholic needs to know by heart.Memory is the foundation of wisdom. It makes holiness easier. To grow wiser in the Faith . . . and holier . . . turn to Memorize the Faith! today.Note: Memorize the Faith! will teach you and your children how to remember anything, but it's particularly useful to those involved in religious education: catechists and converts, CCD teachers, RCIA members, and homeschoolers of all ages.Here, Dr. Vost and St. Thomas Aquinas show you easy ways to memorize the following truths and precepts of our Faith, plus many more: The 9 BeatitudesThe 12 ApostlesThe 7 VirtuesThe 7 SacramentsThe 4 Last ThingsThe 7 Capital SinsThe 10 CommandmentsThe 4 Marks of the ChurchThe 14 Stations of the CrossThe 5 Precepts of the ChurchThe 7 Gifts of the Holy SpiritThe 12 Fruits of the Holy SpiritThe 7 Spiritual Works of MercyThe 20 Mysteries of the RosaryThe 7 Corporal Works of MercyThe 10 Holy Days of ObligationThe 6 Sins Against the Holy SpiritThe 5 Proofs for the Existence of GodThe 27 Books of the New TestamentThe 46 Books of the Old TestamentAnd anything else you want to remember, from the 14 items on your grocery list to the birthdays of your 7 nephews and nieces!
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Sophia Institute Press
  • ISBN 9781933184173
  • Tuotekoodi 9781933184173
  • Kirjoittajat Kevin Vost
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 01.07.2006
  • Vuosi 2006
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk filosofia, psykologia
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 250
  • Avainsanat Christianity - Catholic
  • Kirjastoluokka REL
  • Pituus (mm) 226
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 20
  • Paino (g) 431
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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