- Etusivu
- Kirjat
- Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Ulk romaanit runot sarjakuvat
- Killing Commendatore
Killing Commendatore Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
Haruki Murakami- Etusivu
- Kirjat
- Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Ulk romaanit runot sarjakuvat
- Killing Commendatore
Killing Commendatore
Haruki Murakami
NATIONAL BESTSELLER - A tour de force of love and loneliness, war and art--from one of our greatest writers. - "Exhilarating ... magical." --The Washington Post
When a thirty-something portrait painter is abandoned by his wife, he secludes himself in the mountain home of a world famous art...
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NATIONAL BESTSELLER - A tour de force of love and loneliness, war and art--from one of our greatest writers. - "Exhilarating ... magical." --The Washington Post
When a thirty-something portrait painter is abandoned by his wife, he secludes himself in the mountain home of a world famous art...
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When a thirty-something portrait painter is abandoned by his wife, he secludes himself in the mountain home of a world famous artist. One day, the young painter hears a noise from the attic, and upon investigation, he discovers a previously unseen painting. By unearthing this hidden work of art, he unintentionally opens a circle of mysterious circumstances; and to close it, he must undertake a perilous journey into a netherworld that only Haruki Murakami could conjure.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Vintage
- ISBN 9780525435761
- Tuotekoodi 9780525435761
- Kirjoittajat Haruki Murakami
- Kääntäjät Philip Gabriel; Ted Goossen
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 01.10.2019
- Vuosi 2019
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Genretunnus MU
- Sivumäärä 752
- Avainsanat Literary; Historical - General; Magical Realism
- Kirjastoluokka FIC
- Pituus (mm) 203
- Leveys (mm) 130
- Korkeus (mm) 33
- Paino (g) 522
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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Haruki Murakami
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