Jamie's 30-Minute Meals Kovakantinen, englanti

Jamie Oliver

Jamie's 30-Minute Meals

Jamie Oliver

Whip up delicious three-course meals in no time at all with the bestselling Jamie''s 30-Minute Meals

Jamie Oliver will teach you how to make good food super-fast in his game-changing guide to coordinating an entire meal without any fuss.

With 50 exciting, seasonal meal ... Lue lisää

Kovakantinen, englanti UK Edition
35,95 €
Saatavuus: Arvioimme, että tuote lähtee kuljetukseen 10-25 arkipäivän kuluessa. Kokonaistoimitusaikaan vaikuttaa valittu toimitustapa. Tilaustuote.
Toimituskulut alk 0 €

Whip up delicious three-course meals in no time at all with the bestselling Jamie''s 30-Minute Meals

Jamie Oliver will teach you how to make good food super-fast in his game-changing guide to coordinating an entire meal without any fuss.

With 50 exciting, seasonal meal ... Lue lisää

Whip up delicious three-course meals in no time at all with the bestselling Jamie''s 30-Minute Meals

Jamie Oliver will teach you how to make good food super-fast in his game-changing guide to coordinating an entire meal without any fuss.

With 50 exciting, seasonal meal ideas, Jamie''s 30 Minute Meals provides the essential collection of dishes for putting on the ultimate three-course meal without taking up your time.

Not only that, Jamie also includes refreshing, light lunch recipes that you can put together in no time at all.

These mouth-watering dishes include . . .
- Melt-in-the-mouth SPRING LAMB and CHIANTI GRAVY
- Mushroom risotto with spinach salad - Tender DUCK SALAD

Jamie offers a tasty dish for every occasion, with recipes written to help you make the most of every single minute in the kitchen.

With the help of Jamie Oliver and Jamie''s 30-Minute Meals, you''ll be amazed by what you''re able to achieve.

In Jamie''s extensive collection of internationally loved and trusted cookbooks, this is the one about multitasking to cook whole meals, fast.

''There is only one Jamie Oliver. Great to watch. Great to cook'' Delia Smith

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