I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day
'An absolute joy. Like all of Milly's books it's packed with heart and humour and characters you fall in love with. I didn't want it to end' Jane Fallon, bestselling author of Queen Bee
It’s nearly Christmas and it’s s... Lue lisää
'An absolute joy. Like all of Milly's books it's packed with heart and humour and characters you fall in love with. I didn't want it to end' Jane Fallon, bestselling author of Queen Bee
It’s nearly Christmas and it’s s... Lue lisää
'An absolute joy. Like all of Milly's books it's packed with heart and humour and characters you fall in love with. I didn't want it to end' Jane Fallon, bestselling author of Queen Bee
It’s nearly Christmas and it’s snowing, hard. Deep in the Yorkshire Moors nestles a tiny hamlet, with a pub at its heart. As the snow falls, the inn will become an unexpected haven for six people forced to seek shelter there…
Mary has been trying to get her boss Jack to notice her for four years, but he can only see the efficient PA she is at work. Will being holed up with him finally give her the chance she has been waiting for?
Bridge and Luke were meeting for five minutes to set their divorce in motion. But will getting trapped with each other reignite too many fond memories – and love?
Charlie and Robin were on their way to a luxury hotel in Scotland for a very special Christmas. But will the inn give them everything they were hoping to find – and much more besides?
A story of knowing when to hold on and when to let go, of pushing limits and acceptance, of friendship, love, laughter, mince pies and the magic of Christmas.
Gorgeous, warm and full of heartfelt emotion, I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day is the perfect read this winter!
Praise for I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day:
'You can always rely on Milly Johnson to bring the magic, and she's done it again with this festive treat . . . Packed with her trademark warmth and wit, it’s the perfect holiday read’ heat
'Pure escapism' Woman & Home
'A festive smorgasbord of fine food, sparkly decorations, parlour games, presents and more, coupled with Milly Johnson’s trademark warm and witty writing, make this the perfect Christmas read!' My Weekly
‘Perfect escapism, love, laughter, snow, oodles of festive fun... and best of all, some much-needed hope. The perfect cure for the winter blues' Debbie Johnson, author of Maybe One Day
‘A new Milly Johnson novel – a festive one at that – is always welcome’ Woman
‘Heart-warming’ Choice
‘Guaranteed to put you in the Christmas mood’ Woman & Home, Christmas Gift Guide
‘For anyone in need of a lift, Milly Johnson’s feel-good read could be just the tonic’ Yours Fiction Monthly
'The perfect Christmas read, the story is filled with love, laughter and unexpected romances. This really is the feel good treat of the year' UnderTheChristmasTree, Best Christmas Books
Praise for Milly Johnson's novels:
‘Reading a Milly Johnson book is like spending time with a best friend - you always end up feeling better about the world’ Lucy Diamond
‘Every time you discover a new Milly book, it’s like finding a pot of gold’ heat
‘The feeling you get when you read a Milly Johnson book should be bottled and made available on the NHS’ Debbie Johnson
‘Funny, poignant and so uplifting’ Sun
‘Milly’s writing is like getting a big hug with just the right amount of bite underneath’ Jane Fallon
‘A gorgeous, warm, heartfelt novel about friendship and how some people are just meant to be by your side’ Adele Parks
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Simon & Schuster Ltd
- ISBN 9781471178566
- Tuotekoodi 9781471178566
- Kirjoittajat Milly Johnson
- Kieli Englanti
- Thema-luokitus Moderni kirjallisuus ja nykykirjallisuus
- Ilmestymispäivä 11.11.2021
- Vuosi 2021
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Genretunnus MU
- Sivumäärä 416
- Pituus (mm) 198
- Leveys (mm) 130
- Korkeus (mm) 27
- Paino (g) 290
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
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