Ghost Station Kovakantinen, englanti

S.A. Barnes

Ghost Station

S.A. Barnes

“Relentlessly creepy and fantastically atmospheric...Ghost Station is space horror at its best.”—The New York Times

A crew must try to survive on an ancient, abandoned planet in the latest space horror novel from S.A. Barnes, acclaimed author of Dead Silence.

An abandoned planet. A ... Lue lisää

Kovakantinen, englanti US Edition
31,95 €
Saatavuus: Arvioimme, että tuote lähtee kuljetukseen 10-25 arkipäivän kuluessa. Kokonaistoimitusaikaan vaikuttaa valittu toimitustapa. Tilaustuote.
Toimituskulut alk 0 €

“Relentlessly creepy and fantastically atmospheric...Ghost Station is space horror at its best.”—The New York Times

A crew must try to survive on an ancient, abandoned planet in the latest space horror novel from S.A. Barnes, acclaimed author of Dead Silence.

An abandoned planet. A ... Lue lisää

“Relentlessly creepy and fantastically atmospheric...Ghost Station is space horror at its best.”—The New York Times

A crew must try to survive on an ancient, abandoned planet in the latest space horror novel from S.A. Barnes, acclaimed author of Dead Silence.

An abandoned planet. A hidden past. A deadly danger.

Psychologist Dr. Ophelia Bray has dedicated her life to the study and prevention of Eckhart-Reiser syndrome (ERS)—the most famous case of which resulted in the brutal murders of twenty-nine people. It’s personal to her, and when she’s assigned to a small exploration crew who recently suffered the tragic death of a colleague, she wants to help. But as they begin to establish residency on an abandoned planet, it becomes clear that the crew is hiding something.

And Ophelia’s crewmates are far more interested in investigating the eerie, ancient planet and unraveling the mystery behind the previous colonizers’ hasty departure than opening up to her.

That is, until their pilot is discovered gruesomely murdered. Is this Ophelia’s worst nightmare starting—a wave of violence and mental deterioration from ERS? Or is it something even more sinister?

Terrified that history will repeat itself, Ophelia and the crew must work together to figure out what’s happening. But trust is hard to come by…and the crew members aren’t the only ones keeping secrets.

Also by S.A. Barnes:
Dead Silence
Cold Eternity

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