Foraging: This book includes: Recognizing Toxic and Poisonous Wild Plants and Mushrooms + The Best Edible Wild Foods Recipes + E Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Mona Greeny

Foraging: This book includes: Recognizing Toxic and Poisonous Wild Plants and Mushrooms + The Best Edible Wild Foods Recipes + E

Mona Greeny

Knowledge puts you on the way to new frontiers. Discover a whole new world of wonderful plants and mushrooms without compromising your safety. In this book, Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms, you learn how to identify toxin-containing mushrooms and poisonous plants.Learn the Details of Poisons in Pl... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti US Edition
35,95 €
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Knowledge puts you on the way to new frontiers. Discover a whole new world of wonderful plants and mushrooms without compromising your safety. In this book, Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms, you learn how to identify toxin-containing mushrooms and poisonous plants.Learn the Details of Poisons in Pl... Lue lisää

Knowledge puts you on the way to new frontiers. Discover a whole new world of wonderful plants and mushrooms without compromising your safety. In this book, Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms, you learn how to identify toxin-containing mushrooms and poisonous plants.Learn the Details of Poisons in PlantsRead descriptions of the different plants and mushrooms and what their distinguishing characteristics are and use the photographs for reference. Understand exactly what you can and cannot eat!
Read how to forage the forests for mushrooms safely by learning the identity of poisonous mushrooms and plants. The photos will help you identify and classify them with ease. You can enrich your life by learning how to forage in the nearby woods for new mushrooms and plants.

Are you bored with the same old recipes and dishes all the time? Are you tired of eating foods full of chemicals? Do you want to go back to nature and eat fresh, healthy, and delicious food? Are you scared of filling up your body with chemicals? Do you want to take up a new hobby that will help you save a lot of money while eating healthy food? If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then you have chosen the right book.Foraging is one of the best hobbies as it not only provides you pleasure, but it will also help you create delicious and healthy recipes. This book contains a variety of recipes and dishes that can help you prepare tasty food items. The book contains multiple tips, techniques, and methods that will help you identify, harvest, and use a variety of herbs. This book contains ample tips that will help you become a good forager and a great cook.
Foraging involves searching for foods such as edible plants and medicinal herbs in the wild. Humans have always been foragers, at least that was how our forefathers lived. They got edible nourishment from the earth, and this made them very healthy and strong.There are two major classes of edible foods: edible plants, trees, fungi, and weeds. Edible weeds include the weeds that grow in fields, trees, farms, and backyards and are mostly ignored because many have no idea that they can be consumed. Some of them include alfalfa, blue vervain, borage, bugleweed, bull thistle, cattail, chickweed, and so on. Edible flowers, on the other hand, include flowers known mostly as decorative items but can be consumed and are highly nutritious.Foraging is an act of searching the wilderness for plants, herbs, and fungi that is useful to us. While the initial definition of the word was intended to define the search for food items, it now includes searching for plants suitable for health and wellness. Foraging is generally associated with camping and trekking through the forests of the world. In reality, even using a wild plant growing at the end of your street can be considered foraging.

Our ancestors have used wild plants and mushrooms since the early stages of human life for their survival. Many of these contain minerals, vitamins, and other compounds that can be used for curing certain diseases or for general health. Most of these plants have been labeled as weeds because of their ability to grow almost anywhere, but are editable and have healing properties. The most important part of foraging is the ability to identify a plant correctly and to figure out if it is edible or useful and not poisonous. To do this, a person needs a lot of guidance and experience. Over the years, foragers have documented the plants that they have come across, along with their uses to humans. In this guide, we'll take a look at everything you need to know, including pictures and tips on how to identify safe plants and their dangerous look-alikes.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Ladoo Publishing LLC
  • ISBN 9781955786041
  • Tuotekoodi 9781955786041
  • Kirjoittajat Mona Greeny
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 25.05.2021
  • Vuosi 2021
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk matkat
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 660
  • Avainsanat Plants - Trees; Special Interest - Adventure; Plants - Mushrooms
  • Kirjastoluokka TRV
  • Pituus (mm) 229
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 34
  • Paino (g) 866
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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