Fabulous Lost and Found and the little French mouse: heartwarming & funny bilingual children's book French English to teach French to kids, The Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Mark Pallis

Fabulous Lost and Found and the little French mouse: heartwarming & funny bilingual children's book French English to teach French to kids, The

Mark Pallis

A little mouse walks into the Lost & Found, but can only speak French. How will Mr and Mrs Frog figure out what the mouse is missing...? Aimed at children aged 2-7, the unique 'Story-powered language learning method' combines humour, story and emotion to gently introduce kids to more than for... Lue lisää

Ikäsuositus 1+
Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
15,95 €
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Tarkista myymäläsaatavuus

Haetaan myymälätietoja

A little mouse walks into the Lost & Found, but can only speak French. How will Mr and Mrs Frog figure out what the mouse is missing...? Aimed at children aged 2-7, the unique 'Story-powered language learning method' combines humour, story and emotion to gently introduce kids to more than for... Lue lisää

A little mouse walks into the Lost & Found, but can only speak French. How will Mr and Mrs Frog figure out what the mouse is missing...? Aimed at children aged 2-7, the unique 'Story-powered language learning method' combines humour, story and emotion to gently introduce kids to more than forty simple and fun French words and phrases. "The kids were so busy laughing they didn't realise they were learning." Kyle Buchannan, Dad of two, London. It's a bilingual children's book with a difference, that helps lay the foundations of a love of languages.
How does the Story-Powered Language Learning Method work?
Previously, parents could chose a French picture dictionary or traditional bilingual French English books. This book uses the 'Story-powered Language Learning Method' to tap into a child's natural abilities for french language learning. There are three steps: We create an emotionally engaging and funny story for children and adults to enjoy together, just like any of the other French books for children. Studies show that social interaction, like enjoying a book together, is critical in language learning.Through the story, we introduce a relatable character who speaks only in the french language. This helps build empathy and a positive attitude towards people who speak different languages. These are both important aspects in laying the foundations for lasting language acquisition in a child's life.As the story in this English French childrens book progresses, the child naturally works with the characters to discover the meanings of a wide range of fun new words and phrases. Strategic use of humour ensures that this subconscious learning is rewarded with laughter; the child feels good and the first seeds of a lifelong love of language are sown.
Message from the Author
Writing French books for kids is a real pleasure. There is a special magic about learning words in another language and using them: I truly think it warms the heart. I've learnt jokes or songs in ten languages so far and it's brought me so much joy. This French book for children is first and foremost a really enjoyable story, but it's also my way of helping little learners engage with french language learning, empathise with strangers and ultimately build a love of languages. And it happens without them realising. Any parent who has ever tried to smuggle vegetables into pasta sauce will know that you can get a lot of good stuff into things without kids realising. This French picture book is the same! I want you all to have fun together and enjoy the story. All the learning is a bonus; the icing on the cake (or the extra veg in the sauce!). The idea that after a few reads, kids will be able to go up to a native speaker and tell them in their own language: 'I've lost my hat' fills me with joy. Imagine how proud the child will feel. And imagine how proud you'll feel too! I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. with best wishes, Mark
Perfect for those looking for: gift for French childlearn to speak French for kidsdual language book French EnglishFrench English bilingual book for childrenpicture book in Frenchbook to learn Frenchgifts for kids under 10 FrenchFrench language learning for kidsFrench vocabulary book
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Neu Westend Press
  • ISBN 9781916080126
  • Tuotekoodi 9781916080126
  • Kirjoittajat Mark Pallis
  • Kuvittajat Peter Baynton
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 30.03.2023
  • Vuosi 2023
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk lasten- ja nuortenkirjat
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Ikäsuositus alkaen 1
  • Ikäsuositus päättyen 9
  • Sivumäärä 38
  • Avainsanat Language Study - French
  • Kirjastoluokka JNF
  • Pituus (mm) 216
  • Leveys (mm) 216
  • Korkeus (mm) 3
  • Paino (g) 113
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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