Guitar for Beginners A Practical Guide To Teaching Yourself To Play Guitar In A Week Or Less Even If You've Never Seen (Or Heard) A Guitar Before In Y
If You're New To The Guitar and Want To Be Playing Your First Song In 7 Days or Less Then Keep Reading...
Do you want to learn to play the Guitar? Do you want to do it in a fun and practical way? Do you want to be playing your first song by this time next week (or earlier)?
If you're an asp... Lue lisää
If You're New To The Guitar and Want To Be Playing Your First Song In 7 Days or Less Then Keep Reading...
Do you want to learn to play the Guitar? Do you want to do it in a fun and practical way? Do you want to be playing your first song by this time next week (or earlier)?
If you're an asp... Lue lisää
Do you want to learn to play the Guitar? Do you want to do it in a fun and practical way? Do you want to be playing your first song by this time next week (or earlier)?
If you're an aspiring Guitarist like I was, you probably answered yes to all of the questions.
Now, learning the 'boring' parts like Music Theory and ALL Chords certainly has it's place, however, as a beginner what we want to do is PLAY Music, not theorize about it.
That's why I'm so passionate about writing these books, to help aspiring Guitarists not go through the same boring fate I did.
Not only that, I saw so many potentially great Guitarists give up because they couldn't deal with the mind-numbing teachings anymore.
The funny thing is once you have hours and hours of playing time under your belt, learning the 'boring' parts isn't half as bad, as you know you're only doing it if it's essential to make you a better Guitarist.
And, believe me, once you fall in love with playing and realize just how amazing playing your first full songs, or your first solo, or your all-time favorite song is, you will be a lot more motivated to sit down and learn the theory.
But, as a beginner, you have no idea of the feeling playing can give you, so what you need first is that playing experience, and that's exactly what I'm here to give you.
Oh, and you don't need to worry, this isn't a 24/7 all work, no play programme. Yes, you'll need to spend some time practicing, but it's the 21st Century, we have very busy lives, and I have busy lives, and I made all of the practices and learning as streamlined as possible for you!
And, here's a slither of what you'll discover inside...The 7 MUST KNOW Chords For Any New Guitarist! (Without All The Fluff)The 3 Things You'll Want To Know Before Buying A New Guitar (Includes A Complete Buying Guide)A Proven Guide To Schedule Your Time To Maximize Your Results (We Don't All Have Endless Time To Practice Unfortunately)The Absolute Essentials To Guitar Maintenance And Why You're Potentially Wasting $100's If You Ignore ThisThe Bare Essentials Of Reading Music The Right Way, Without Boring You To Death2 Tips That Could Prevent You From Wasting Hours Getting Nowhere With Your Practice3 Tips For Preparing For Your First SongHow Listening To Music Can Help You Rapidly Develop Your SkillsAn Easy Solution To Prevent The Dreaded Newbies Finger Pain...
And that is a tiny fraction of what you're getting.Even if you've NEVER picked up a Guitar in your life, even if you have no idea how to even pick or tune a Guitar and even if you don't know the difference between a chord and a scale this Practical Beginners Guide will have you playing your first song in 7 days or less! (All for the price of a few cups of Coffee, I think that's a fair deal)
So, If You Want A Fun And Practical Way To Actually Learn Guitar Without All The Boring And Mind-Numbing Parts Scroll Up And Click "Add To Cart."
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Creafe Publishing
- ISBN 9781989838938
- Tuotekoodi 9781989838938
- Kirjoittajat James Haywire
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 02.10.2020
- Vuosi 2020
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk taide, musiikki
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 56
- Avainsanat Musical Instruments - Guitar; Instruction & Study - Exercises
- Kirjastoluokka MUS
- Pituus (mm) 279
- Leveys (mm) 216
- Korkeus (mm) 3
- Paino (g) 154
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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