Weight Loss Psychology for Women: Kick the Fat Girl Out of Your Head and Lose the Weight Permanently! Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Felicia Urban Msn

Weight Loss Psychology for Women: Kick the Fat Girl Out of Your Head and Lose the Weight Permanently!

Felicia Urban Msn

Do you get tired of starting your diet off with a bang only to fizzle out after a month, a week or even less? Are you tired of working hard to finally shed a decent amount of weight only to gain it back within two years or much less? Are you so sick of being on the losing end of your weight loss ... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
19,95 €
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Do you get tired of starting your diet off with a bang only to fizzle out after a month, a week or even less? Are you tired of working hard to finally shed a decent amount of weight only to gain it back within two years or much less? Are you so sick of being on the losing end of your weight loss ... Lue lisää

Do you get tired of starting your diet off with a bang only to fizzle out after a month, a week or even less? Are you tired of working hard to finally shed a decent amount of weight only to gain it back within two years or much less? Are you so sick of being on the losing end of your weight loss battle that you are ready to give up the struggle permanently?The most important question, did you spend time prepping your most important tool in your weight loss arsenal, your mind?Get off the weight loss roller coaster once and for all! Be the healthiest, happiest you that you can be! You deserve the best life now!This book uniquely approaches weight loss from the most important starting point.... your mind!Have you ever noticed that the times you were able to lose weight, it felt like NOTHING could stop you? You can't explain what the difference was exactly, only that your mind had landed in an unseen "groove" where you knew you were going to do it! Then, mysteriously, it was gone....This book will help you rediscover that all important mindset and help you to stay in that "groove" for longer! Also, when you do drop out of the mindset needed, you will learn tools and strategies to acknowledge this sooner in order to get back on track quickly without falling back into old habits.Here is just a sampling of tools for your weight loss arsenal you will gain from this book - How to get and stay motivated - The power of self-love and forgiveness - How to identify "triggers" that lead to overeating and cravings - How to stop feeling overwhelmed and feel empowered to stay the course - How to stay motivated and organized on a hectic schedule - How to get back up when you fall down....we all mess up! - Plus much, much more! People who will benefit from this book - "Yo Yo" dieters of all sizes - People who have been overweight all their lives and don't believe that they can ever change - People who lost weight and have kept it off a while but find that it is getting harder to maintain - People who are in good shape but concerned about the "middle-age spread" and want the mental prep to fight back - People who have been told by themselves or others that they will never change and to just learn to live with being overweight - People who have told themselves that is not even worth trying to lose weight anymore and have pretty much given up all hope - Personal trainers who have clients from this list that need to be taught mental strategies so that they can achieve the breakthrough you both are working so hard to achieve - People who are angry and/or disappointed in themselves for not being "strong enough" to reach and keep their weight goals - Family or friends of people who are struggling to lose weight and would benefit from this book for inspiration and encouragement If you match any of these, keep reading! This book is a pre-diet, mid-diet, and a post-diet necessity in order to train and reinforce your positive mental habits to keep your mind prepped for success! Are you ready to prepare your mind for success? You can do it! Let's start your transformation today!
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja One Source Unlimited
  • ISBN 9781087858227
  • Tuotekoodi 9781087858227
  • Kirjoittajat Felicia Urban Msn
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 28.12.2018
  • Vuosi 2018
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk terveys (lääket, eläinlääk)
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 66
  • Avainsanat Healthy Living & Personal Hygiene; Diet & Nutrition - Diets; Diet & Nutrition - Weight Loss
  • Kirjastoluokka HEA
  • Pituus (mm) 198
  • Leveys (mm) 129
  • Korkeus (mm) 4
  • Paino (g) 73
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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