Monday Morning Ethics: The Lessons Sports Ethics Scandal Can Teach Athletes, Coaches, Sports Executives and Fans Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Bruce H. Wolk / Chuck Gallagher

Monday Morning Ethics: The Lessons Sports Ethics Scandal Can Teach Athletes, Coaches, Sports Executives and Fans

Bruce H. Wolk / Chuck Gallagher

Chuck Gallagher and author Bruce H. Wolk present a provocative collection of 31 stories that test our ideas of morality and judgment in a world where convenience and self-interest frequently take precedence over integrity and character. The fan experience experts, consultants and trainers Gallagh... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
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Chuck Gallagher and author Bruce H. Wolk present a provocative collection of 31 stories that test our ideas of morality and judgment in a world where convenience and self-interest frequently take precedence over integrity and character. The fan experience experts, consultants and trainers Gallagh... Lue lisää

Chuck Gallagher and author Bruce H. Wolk present a provocative collection of 31 stories that test our ideas of morality and judgment in a world where convenience and self-interest frequently take precedence over integrity and character. The fan experience experts, consultants and trainers Gallagher and Wolk examine the lives of people whose decisions have had a lasting impact on their legacies, families, sports organizations, and companies.
Each chapter delves into a tale of dubious choices, some impulsive and some deliberate, and poses important queries about the inner workings of the human conscience. Did these athletes ever stop to think about the long-lasting effects of their decisions, or did they just expect they would get away with it? Did they go to bed at night, blissfully unaware of the chaos they had wrought upon themselves and those around them?
Readers are encouraged by Gallagher and Wolk to consider the causes of recent controversies in the sports industry. Were these intentional efforts to develop a "bad boy" reputation or did they come from a place of disobedience and unhappiness? Were these secrets meant to be kept in the closet for all time?
Gallagher and Wolk challenge us to reflect on our own lives and choices as we follow this compelling narrative, challenging us to see that our reputations are the outcome of daily decisions that demonstrate our morality, honesty, integrity, and reliability. Gallagher and Wolk remind us that we are our own publicists and are in charge of creating the image we want to present to the world in a world where our actions are constantly being watched.
The wisdom and insights in the book-crafted by Gallagher and strengthened by Wolk's viewpoints-serve as a beacon of hope, inspiring readers to manage their public image and lead a life marked by respect, integrity, and relevance. Bruce H. Wolk's knowledge of the sports and entertainment industries and Chuck Gallagher's own transparent and vulnerable path together provide priceless insights on second chances and the healing power of personal development.
Readers will get a deeper knowledge of the significance of character and integrity in every facet of life, particularly within the world of sports stars, through Gallagher's moving anecdotes and Wolk's insightful analysis. "Reflections on Integrity and Character" offers a road map to negotiate the treacherous terrain of ethics and morals in the world of sports and beyond, whether you're a sports enthusiast, a business professional, or someone looking to make a difference.This isn't just a book-it's a catalyst for personal growth and ethical reflection. Dive in, challenge your perspectives, use these stories to provide insight, and take control of your narrative.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Leadership Books
  • ISBN 9781951648541
  • Tuotekoodi 9781951648541
  • Kirjoittajat Bruce H. Wolk; Chuck Gallagher
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 01.12.2023
  • Vuosi 2023
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk talous, it, yhteiskunta
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 318
  • Avainsanat Sports; Business Ethics; College Sports
  • Kirjastoluokka BUS
  • Pituus (mm) 229
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 17
  • Paino (g) 426
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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  • Vahvistettu ostaja - Kyseinen arvostelu on jätetty käyttämällä tuotteen ostajalle lähetettyä sähköpostilinkkiä. Kyseessä on siis vahvistettu ostaja eli arvostelun jättänyt henkilö on ostanut todennetusti kyseisen tuotteen. 

  • Vahvistettu suosittelija - Kyseinen arvostelu on jätetty -verkkosivustolla. Arvostelijan sähköpostiosoite on vahvistettu, jotta on voitu varmistua siitä, että arvostelun on jättänyt oikea henkilö. ei kuitenkaan ole vahvistanut, että kyseinen henkilö on ostanut tuotteen. 

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