Creating High Value PMOs: Your Essential Guide
"Not Your Usual Dry And Boring PMO Guidebook.The words fly off the page and Baker's easy humour makes this an engaging read. Don't be mistaken though, the content is spot on. If you want your PMO to succeed, or if you need to refresh it, start by reading this book."Valdi Gravitis, Founder NSW Who... Lue lisää
"Not Your Usual Dry And Boring PMO Guidebook.The words fly off the page and Baker's easy humour makes this an engaging read. Don't be mistaken though, the content is spot on. If you want your PMO to succeed, or if you need to refresh it, start by reading this book."Valdi Gravitis, Founder NSW Who... Lue lisää
Is Your PMO Cursed to Fail?Have you ever stopped and considered how deep the PMO graveyard in your organisation is? 3 deep?...5?More?The multi-million dollar question is: Are you doing anything different?Or is your PMO cursed to fail too? Almost every organisation has tried at least once to build a functioning and sustainable Project, Program or Portfolio Management Office ...And almost every organisation has failed.Well, I have dug up the skeletons, avoided the zombies, aired out the tombs, outrun the boulders and uncovered the common cause of PMO death. Want to know what I found?The PMOs Were Worthless!But all isn't lost. What if I said that you could reverse the trend? Could you be the hero who pulls the sword from the stone and stops the curse?Let this guide be the Merlin to your King Arthur. It contains everything you will need to finally break the cycle (while showing everyone else, once again, that you can achieve the impossible).
So, You Want to Create a High Value PMO?What landed you here?Perhaps you are frustrated with the lack of logic in allocating change investment?Or maybe you are staring at an overwhelming number of reports, systems, frameworks and methodologies?Do your project managers need a capability boost?Or is it that the information you need just isn't there?Maybe you are about to commence a large program of work?Or is it just chaos - and your projects are running amok.No matter the reason you are here, I've got some great news. This guide will help.This guide is for you if you have just been tasked with setting up a new PMO, and you want to do it right.Equally, this guide is for you if your office is well established but you just aren't getting the results you expected.In short - this guide is for you if you need to create entirely new levels of value through your PMO.
What You Can Expect From This GuideThis isn't some half-arsed, 10 page, 'ultimate guide to X' written by a copywriter to drive more clicks.Nor is this a buzzfeed style list of the '5 things you really need to know when running a PMO'. Creating High Value PMOs is a dedicated piece of work, written by an expert that has lived each recommendation. It shares with you the real foundations for PMO success.With 150 pages of content and a multitude of brand new techniques - this guide is for those who are willing to make real improvements in what they are doing.You will be shown: How to Break Out of the Administrative Death CycleThe Difference Between Valuable and Cursed PMOsThe 3 Simple Steps to Get Clear on your Value - and Communicate it!How to Rally Your People - Building Momentum and CommunityWhat it means to Normalise Success, Failure and LearningHow to Overcome the Cultural Mishaps that Undermine PMOsAnd more...See you inside.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Quality Project Initiative
- ISBN 9780645122749
- Tuotekoodi 9780645122749
- Kirjoittajat Brendon Baker
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 31.05.2021
- Vuosi 2021
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk talous, it, yhteiskunta
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 152
- Avainsanat Management - General; Corporate Governance; Project Management
- Kirjastoluokka BUS
- Pituus (mm) 229
- Leveys (mm) 152
- Korkeus (mm) 8
- Paino (g) 213
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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