KJV Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition, Large Print (Genuine Leather, Black, Indexed, Red Letter)
Discover how you can apply the Bible to your life today with the enduring choice embraced by more than 20 million readers across three decades, the #1 best-selling Life Application Study Bible.
Experience profound transformation as you find even more relevant insights for understanding and... Lue lisää
Discover how you can apply the Bible to your life today with the enduring choice embraced by more than 20 million readers across three decades, the #1 best-selling Life Application Study Bible.
Experience profound transformation as you find even more relevant insights for understanding and... Lue lisää
Experience profound transformation as you find even more relevant insights for understanding and applying God's Word to contemporary life in fresh ways. Experience the heightened readability of 11-point font in this large print edition, crafted for those who appreciate the ease and clarity of larger text. Now with an invigorating three-color interior design and updated study notes and features, this KJV study Bible will help you understand God's Word better than ever. It answers your real-life questions about the Bible text itself, and also provides practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your life every day.
Study the stories and teachings of the Bible with verse-by-verse commentary. Gain wisdom from people in the Bible by exploring their accomplishments and learning from their mistakes. Survey the big picture of each book through overviews, vital statistics, outlines, and timelines, and grasp difficult concepts using in-text maps, charts, and diagrams--all to help you do life God's way, every day.
Features: (Enhanced, updated, and with new content added throughout)Now more than 10,000 Life Application study notes and features curated to address your questions and guide you through life's challenges.Over 100 Life Application profiles of key Bible characters provide inspiration and guidance for your unique journey.Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible serve as a compass for your exploration, helping you to navigate the Bible and glean deeper meaning.Highly readable 11-point typeface.Full text of the classic Holy Bible, King James Version (KJV)More than 500 maps & charts strategically placed for quick reference, facilitating easier Bible study for visual learners, and enhancing your comprehension.Dictionary/concordance empower you to embark on a thorough and satisfying study of the Scripturesextensive side-column cross-reference system to facilitate deeper studyEffortless navigation through the Life Application index to notes, charts, maps, and profilesDurable Smyth-sewn binding made for frequent use, and lays flat when openPresentation page to make this KJV Bible uniquely yours.Single-column format for a focused reading journey.Christian Worker's Resource, a special supplement to enhance your ministry effectivenessThe words of Jesus are in red letters, making his teachings stand out.Discover why the Life Application Study Bible is the best-selling study Bible!
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Tyndale House Publishers
- ISBN 9781496477491
- Tuotekoodi 9781496477491
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 22.10.2024
- Vuosi 2024
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk filosofia, psykologia
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 3040
- Avainsanat King James Version - Study
- Kirjastoluokka BIB
- Pituus (mm) 257
- Leveys (mm) 193
- Korkeus (mm) 69
- Paino (g) 1996
- Tuotemuoto Nahkakantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Lankasidos
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