How to Stop Being Negative, Angry, and Mean: Master Your Mind and Take Control of Your Life
Do you find yourself fighting negative thoughts and feelings every day? Do you wish there was something you could do to be more positive? Are you tired of being controlled by your emotions? If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then you are going to want to keep reading.
Negativity is... Lue lisää
Do you find yourself fighting negative thoughts and feelings every day? Do you wish there was something you could do to be more positive? Are you tired of being controlled by your emotions? If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then you are going to want to keep reading.
Negativity is... Lue lisää
Negativity is a normal part of life. Nobody can be positive all that time because life isn't always going to be perfect. That said, sometimes negativity infiltrates our minds and bodies and never leaves. A good day can be ruined by your mind dwelling on something stupid that happened years ago. You sit for hours ruminating over it, and before you realize it, you have wasted a great day. We've all had experiences like that, and they suck. Here's the thing, though; we can't let that continue to happen. We have to take control of our minds instead of being at the whim of our thoughts and feelings.
That's what this book is here to help you do. It's no easy feat to stop thought processes you have had your entire life. It will take some work, but with the right tools, you can learn how to rewire your brain so that you are happier and healthier.
In this book, you will learn about: What thoughts areThe difference between our thoughts and our core beliefsHow our emotions and thoughts work togetherHow to manage your emotionsThe importance of a growth mindset and how to develop oneHow negative thinking can hurt youThe major causes of angerThe difference between pessimism and optimismHow to develop awareness over your emotions and thoughtsHow to silence the inner criticHow to use Cognitive Behavior Therapy to reprogram your mindThe importance of gratitude
We've all felt sad, happy, angry, mad, disgusted, excited, and numb. It's normal for emotions to change throughout the day. What isn't normal is always feel down or feeling as if you have to force yourself to be happy. We shouldn't be pessimistic about everything because "somebody always lets me down." If you have used the statement, "if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all," then you likely need help for negative self-talk. It's not okay to feel like you have no other options but to feel bad. You have the right to be happy, and you can learn how to be happy and more optimistic.
It's time to step out of the darkness of negative thought patterns and take control over your life. How to Stop Being Negative, Angry, and Mean, is here to help you do just that. If you are tired of feeling sad all the time, scroll up and click "buy now" right now.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Nxt Level International
- ISBN 9781736274019
- Tuotekoodi 9781736274019
- Kirjoittajat Richard Banks
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 02.12.2020
- Vuosi 2020
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk filosofia, psykologia
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 242
- Avainsanat Mood Disorders - General; Self-Management - Anger Management (see also Family & Relati; Anger (see also Self-Help - Self Management - Anger Manageme
- Kirjastoluokka SEL
- Pituus (mm) 203
- Leveys (mm) 127
- Korkeus (mm) 14
- Paino (g) 268
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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