Le micmac de noël
The Perksons just love Christmas—especially Mom, who starts preparing for the perfect Christmas early in the fall. Sometimes her plans are so ambitious, though, she runs out of steam before Christmas even arrives!
For Dad, the most important thing is to have the garden decorated with tons of C... Lue lisää
The Perksons just love Christmas—especially Mom, who starts preparing for the perfect Christmas early in the fall. Sometimes her plans are so ambitious, though, she runs out of steam before Christmas even arrives!
For Dad, the most important thing is to have the garden decorated with tons of C... Lue lisää
For Dad, the most important thing is to have the garden decorated with tons of Christmas lights to delight himself and the neighbors. But the fuses blow nearly every time he comes up with a new lights arrangement!
This year the Perksons get the last presents ready in the nick of time. But things don't play out quite as they planned. Will Christmas still come despite this year's less-than-perfect preparations?
Familien Perkson elsker bare julen især mor, som starter forberedelserne til den perfekte jul tidligt i efteråret. Nogen gange er hendes planer dog så ambitiøse, at hun kører træt, inden det overhovedet er blevet jul!
For far er det vigtigst at få haven dekoreret med tonsvis af julelys for at glæde sig selv og naboerne. Men sikringerne går næsten hver gang, at han går i gang med et nyt lys-arrangement!
I år får familien Perkson gaverne klar i sidste øjeblik. Men tingene går ikke helt som de planlagde. Vil det stadig blive jul, trods dette års mindre perfekte forberedelser?