Yoshi's Big Swim: One Turtle's Epic Journey Home Kovakantinen, englanti

Mary Wagley Copp

Yoshi's Big Swim: One Turtle's Epic Journey Home

Mary Wagley Copp

Yoshi's Big Swim chronicles the impressive true story of Yoshi, a loggerhead turtle who was rescued by fishermen, then rehabilitated and cared for by scientists for many years. The scientists adored her, and Yoshi was happy in her aquarium home. But then, many years later, Yoshi let them know tha... Lue lisää

Ikäsuositus 8+
Kovakantinen, englanti US Edition
20,95 €
Saatavuus: Arvioimme, että tuote lähtee kuljetukseen 20-30 arkipäivän kuluessa. Kokonaistoimitusaikaan vaikuttaa valittu toimitustapa. Tilaustuote.
Toimituskulut alk 0 €

Yoshi's Big Swim chronicles the impressive true story of Yoshi, a loggerhead turtle who was rescued by fishermen, then rehabilitated and cared for by scientists for many years. The scientists adored her, and Yoshi was happy in her aquarium home. But then, many years later, Yoshi let them know tha... Lue lisää

Yoshi's Big Swim chronicles the impressive true story of Yoshi, a loggerhead turtle who was rescued by fishermen, then rehabilitated and cared for by scientists for many years. The scientists adored her, and Yoshi was happy in her aquarium home. But then, many years later, Yoshi let them know that it was time for her to move on. Would Yoshi be safe? Would she know what to do? After lots of preparation--and plenty of friendly back scratches for Yoshi--the determined loggerhead set off on her journey. Discover an amazing story celebrating teamwork, science, and an animal hero who swam more than 22,000 miles to her true home--the longest journey of any animal ever tracked. In addition to being awe-inspiring, Yoshi's story underlines the importance of wildlife conservation and the power of one animal to unite people around the world for a common cause.

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Saat ilmoituksen jopa saman päivän aikana myymälän aukioloaikojen puitteissa, kun tuote on noudettavissa. Sesonkiaikoina käsittelyaika voi olla pidempi. Odotathan noutoilmoitusta, ennen kuin lähdet noutamaan varaustasi. Kun saat noutoilmoituksen, pidämme tuotetta varattuna ilmoituspäivän sekä seuraavan myymälän aukiolopäivän.