Yasmin the Ice Skater Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Saadia Faruqi

Yasmin the Ice Skater

Saadia Faruqi

Yasmin and her friend Emma are heading to the ice rink. But Yasmin has never skated before, and she's nervous! After a series of excuses, will Yasmin hang up her skates or find the courage to step onto the ice? Lue lisää

Ikäsuositus 5+
Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
15,95 €
Toimituskulut alk 0 €

Yasmin and her friend Emma are heading to the ice rink. But Yasmin has never skated before, and she's nervous! After a series of excuses, will Yasmin hang up her skates or find the courage to step onto the ice? Lue lisää

Yasmin and her friend Emma are heading to the ice rink. But Yasmin has never skated before, and she's nervous! After a series of excuses, will Yasmin hang up her skates or find the courage to step onto the ice?

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