Writing for Busy Readers: Communicate More Effectively in the Real World Kovakantinen, englanti

Todd Rogers / Jessica Lasky-Fink

Writing for Busy Readers: Communicate More Effectively in the Real World

Todd Rogers / Jessica Lasky-Fink

Writing well is for school. Writing effectively is for life.

Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky-Fink offer the most valuable practical writing advice today. Building on their own research in behavioral science, they outline cognitive facts about how people actually read and distill them into... Lue lisää

Kovakantinen, englanti
25,95 €
Saatavuus: Arvioimme, että tuote lähtee kuljetukseen 20-30 arkipäivän kuluessa. Kokonaistoimitusaikaan vaikuttaa valittu toimitustapa. Tilaustuote.
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Writing well is for school. Writing effectively is for life.

Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky-Fink offer the most valuable practical writing advice today. Building on their own research in behavioral science, they outline cognitive facts about how people actually read and distill them into... Lue lisää

Writing well is for school. Writing effectively is for life.

Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky-Fink offer the most valuable practical writing advice today. Building on their own research in behavioral science, they outline cognitive facts about how people actually read and distill them into six principles that will transform the power of your writing:
Less is moreMake reading easyDesign for easy navigationUse enough formatting, but no moreTell readers why they should careMake responding easyIncluding many real-world examples, a checklist and other tools, this guide will make you a more successful and productive communicator. Rogers and Lasky-Fink bring Strunk and White's core ideas into the twenty-first century's attention marketplace. When the influential guides to writing prose were written, the internet hadn't been invented. Now, the average American adult is inundated with digital messages each day. With all this correspondence, capturing a busy reader's attention is more challenging than ever. This is how to do it.

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Varaa myymälästä

Varaa tuote myymälästä kätevästi alla olevalla lomakkeella. Saat ilmoituksen jopa saman päivän aikana myymälän aukioloaikojen puitteissa, kun tuote on noudettavissa. Kun saat noutoilmoituksen, pidämme tuotetta varattuna ilmoituspäivän sekä seuraavan myymälän aukiolopäivän. Maksu suoritetaan noudettaessa. Lue lisää.


Valitse aluksi myymälä, jolloin näet myymälän saldotilanteen.

Saat ilmoituksen jopa saman päivän aikana myymälän aukioloaikojen puitteissa, kun tuote on noudettavissa. Sesonkiaikoina käsittelyaika voi olla pidempi. Odotathan noutoilmoitusta, ennen kuin lähdet noutamaan varaustasi. Kun saat noutoilmoituksen, pidämme tuotetta varattuna ilmoituspäivän sekä seuraavan myymälän aukiolopäivän.