Onyx Storm E-kirja, englanti

Rebecca Yarros

Onyx Storm

Rebecca Yarros

Brave the dark.

Get ready to fly or die in the breathtaking follow-up to Fourth Wing and Iron Flame from the no. 1 Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Yarros.

Returning to the richly imagined world of Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, the third instalment of Rebecca... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
14,95 €
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Brave the dark.

Get ready to fly or die in the breathtaking follow-up to Fourth Wing and Iron Flame from the no. 1 Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Yarros.

Returning to the richly imagined world of Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, the third instalment of Rebecca... Lue lisää

Brave the dark.

Get ready to fly or die in the breathtaking follow-up to Fourth Wing and Iron Flame from the no. 1 Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Yarros.

Returning to the richly imagined world of Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, the third instalment of Rebecca Yarros' scintillating romantasy series finds Violet in deadlier peril than ever before.

"Rebecca Yarros has created some awesome dragons! Proud, beautiful, and full of unique magics." Christopher Paolini, #1 NYT bestselling author of the Inheritance Cycle.

Rebecca Yarros is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than fifteen novels, with multiple starred Publishers Weekly reviews and a Kirkus Best Book of the Year.

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