Wraithbound Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Tim Akers


Tim Akers

EPIC FANTASY BY A RISING STAR OF FANTASY Since he was a boy, Rae Kelthannis has dreamed of being a stormbinder like his father, with an air elemental stitched into the fabric of his soul and the winds of heaven at his command. Those dreams died when his father, through no fault of his own, fell i... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
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EPIC FANTASY BY A RISING STAR OF FANTASY Since he was a boy, Rae Kelthannis has dreamed of being a stormbinder like his father, with an air elemental stitched into the fabric of his soul and the winds of heaven at his command. Those dreams died when his father, through no fault of his own, fell i... Lue lisää

EPIC FANTASY BY A RISING STAR OF FANTASY Since he was a boy, Rae Kelthannis has dreamed of being a stormbinder like his father, with an air elemental stitched into the fabric of his soul and the winds of heaven at his command. Those dreams died when his father, through no fault of his own, fell into disgrace and was banned by the justicars of the Iron Council. The family fled to the edge of the Ordered World, to live in fear in the shadow of encroaching Chaos. When Rae defies his father's orders and attempts to stitch an air elemental to his soul, he instead binds himself to a mysterious wraith. That's when things get complicated and the world starts to fall apart around him. Literally. Praise for Wraithbound: "Tim Akers' Wraithbound is everything you want in an epic fantasy: engaging characters, intricate worldbuilding, plenty of action and adventure. You can't go wrong with this book." --Charlaine Harris, #1 NY Times best-selling author of The Southern Vampire Mysteries "This heart-pounding series opener from Akers (Valhellions) launches young Rae Kelthannis on a career as a spiritbinder . . . Akers slowly reveals the secrets of this world while leaving plenty to be explored in future volumes. Epic fantasy fans of all ages will look forward to Rae and Lalette's next adventure." --Publishers Weekly "Everyone talks about the weather, but no-one ever does anything about it. Until now. Rae Kelthannis is going to change the weather, and change the world. Tim Aker's Wraithbound is an epic fantasy with an epic cast, and a whole new world to get lost in." --Simon R. Green, New York Times best-selling author of Ishmael Jones Mysteries and the Deathstalkers series "Once Wraithbound starts rolling, it never really stops. Great action set pieces, haunting mysteries, a fascinating magic system, and top-notch pacing will keep you turning pages to the end!" --Howard Andrew Jones, author of The Chronicles of Hanuvar "There's a blurb that I read about Tim Akers that said he is 'a rising star of fantasy'. Well, if this book is any indication, I'd say his star has very much risen and planted itself firmly in the sky among the most talented authors in the genre. If you love fantasy that has edge of your seat action and takes no prisoners, then run out and get this book once it is officially released next month. I guarantee that you will be treated to one of the best sword and sorcery books you've read in a long time. I highly recommend Wraithbound and you can be sure that this will not be the last Tim Akers book that I pick up. I'm just sorry I didn't get into his stuff sooner!" --Out Of This World SFF "As a fan of the Old World of Warhammer, Wraithbound hit all the right notes. The magic system was intriguing, and the book was breathlessly paced so I was pulled from one adventure to another. Any fan of some of the more classic fantasy settings of the 90s will find a lot to get nostalgic about along with a raft of new stuff to keep them interested." --Auston Habershaw, author of The Saga of the Redeemed "A thrilling blend of classic fantasy, hard magic, and grimdark tone. Like if Warhammer was written by Brandon Sanderson." --J.T. Greathouse, author of The Hand of the Sun King and The Garden of Empire "Fast-paced and packed with cinematic magical duels, Wraithbound is an exhilarating ride from start to finish." --Grimdark Magazine "I've only recently become familiar with Tim Akers' work, and I'm highly impressed . . . this novel demonstrates the kind of clarity and maturity I wish were more evident in other volumes of this sort. I'm anticipating the release of the next volume in this series." --Galaxy's Edge Praise for Valhellions: "Akers' novel puts the fantasy in urban fantasy, with real-world-dwelling fantastical characters similar to Jim Butcher and ridiculous set pieces reminiscent of Terry Pratchett." --Booklist, starred review Praise for Knight's Watch: "Buckle up and get ready for a fun ride. Tim Akers delivers an epic story about weekend ren faire warriors versus actual monsters. Best fictional use of a Volvo station wagon ever." --Larry Correia Praise for Tim Akers: "A must for all epic fantasy fans." --Starburst "Full of strong world building, cinematic and frequent battle scenes, high adventure, great characters, suspense, and dramatic plot shifts, this is an engaging, fast-paced entry in a popular subgenre." --Booklist, starred review "Take a bit of fantasy, mix in the horror of the demonic, and put in some top-notch writing and you'll have Akers' latest novel." --Hellnotes "Fast-paced . . . an epic fantasy story with action, intrigue and a good story." --RPG "Delivers enough twists and surprises to keep readers fascinated . . . contains action, grittiness, magic, intrigue and well created characters." --Rising Shadow "An extremely well-developed secondary world." --SF Signal
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Baen Publishing Enterprises
  • ISBN 9781982193300
  • Tuotekoodi 9781982193300
  • Kirjoittajat Tim Akers
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 27.02.2024
  • Vuosi 2024
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Genretunnus FA
  • Sivumäärä 656
  • Avainsanat Fantasy - Epic; Fantasy - Action & Adventure
  • Kirjastoluokka FIC
  • Pituus (mm) 160
  • Leveys (mm) 102
  • Korkeus (mm) 36
  • Paino (g) 363
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Mass market -pokkari (US)

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