Circle of Influence Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Annette Dashofy

Circle of Influence

Annette Dashofy

THE RIGHT BLEND OF ACTION, EMOTION, AND EDGE... "Dashofy takes small town politics and long simmering feuds, adds colorful characters, and brings it to a boil in a welcome new series." - Hallie Ephron, Author of There Was an Old Woman Zoe Chambers, paramedic and deputy coroner in rural Pennsylvan... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
17,95 €
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THE RIGHT BLEND OF ACTION, EMOTION, AND EDGE... "Dashofy takes small town politics and long simmering feuds, adds colorful characters, and brings it to a boil in a welcome new series." - Hallie Ephron, Author of There Was an Old Woman Zoe Chambers, paramedic and deputy coroner in rural Pennsylvan... Lue lisää

THE RIGHT BLEND OF ACTION, EMOTION, AND EDGE... "Dashofy takes small town politics and long simmering feuds, adds colorful characters, and brings it to a boil in a welcome new series." - Hallie Ephron, Author of There Was an Old Woman Zoe Chambers, paramedic and deputy coroner in rural Pennsylvania's tight-knit Vance Township, has been privy to a number of local secrets over the years, some of them her own. But secrets become explosive when a dead body is found in the Township Board President's abandoned car. As a January blizzard rages, Zoe and Police Chief Pete Adams launch a desperate search for the killer, even if it means uncovering secrets that could not only destroy Zoe and Pete, but also those closest to them. Praise for CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE: "The texture of small town Pennsylvania comes alive in Annette Dashofy's debut mystery. Discerning mystery readers will appreciate Dashofy's expert details and gripping storytelling. Zoe Chambers is an authentic character who will entertain us for a long time." - Nancy Martin, Author of the Blackbird Sister Mysteries "The author has struck gold by delivering a wonderful story... Betrayal, teenage angst, dysfunctional relationship and deep dark secrets will keep you turning the pages in this very enjoyable debut novel." - Dru Ann Love, Dru's Book Musings "New York has McBain, Boston has Parker, now Vance Township, PA ("pop. 5000. Please Drive Carefully.") has Annette Dashofy, and her rural world is just as vivid and compelling as their city noir." - John Lawton, Producer/Director and Author of the Inspector Troy Series "I've been awestruck by Annette Dashofy's storytelling for years. Look out world, you're going to love Zoe Chambers and Pete Adams, and Circle of Influence is just the beginning." - Donnell Ann Bell, Bestselling Author of The Past Came Hunting and Deadly Recall "Dashofy does everything exactly right in this well-crafted not-quite-cozy: compelling plot, original setting and wonderfully rich characters. Her revenge-fueled tale of small town manipulation and murder will keep you turning the pages. This series is a winner!" - Hank Phillippi Ryan, Agatha, Anthony and Mary Higgins Clark Award-Winning Author "An excellent debut, totally fun to read. Annette Dashofy has created a charmer of a protagonist in Zoe Cambers. She's smart, she's sexy, she's vulnerably romantic, and she's one hell of a paramedic on the job. It's great to look forward to books two and three." - Kathleen George, Professor of Theatre and Writing at the University of Pittsburgh and Edgar-Nominated Author of the Richard Christie Series "This is a terrific first mystery, with just the right blend of action, emotion and edge. I couldn't put it down. The characters are well drawn and believable...It's all great news for readers. I can't wait to meet Zoe and Pete again in Vance Township, Monongahela County, PA." - Mary Jane Maffini, Author of The Dead Don't Get Out Much Books in the Zoe Chambers Mystery Series: CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE #1 LOST LEGACY #2 (September 2014) Part of the Henery Press Mystery Series Collection, if you like one, you'll probably like them all... Author Bio: Annette Dashofy, a Pennsylvania farm gal born and bred, grew up with horses, cattle, and, yes, chickens. After high school, she spent five years as an EMT for the local ambulance service. Since then, she's worked a variety of jobs, giving her plenty of fodder for her lifelong passion for writing. She, her husband, and their two spoiled cats live on property that was once part of her grandfather's dairy. Her short fiction, including a 2007 Derringer nominee, has appeared in Spinetingler, Mysterical-e, and Fish Tales: the Guppy Anthology. Her newest short story will appear in the Lucky Charms Anthology.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Henery Press
  • ISBN 9781940976006
  • Tuotekoodi 9781940976006
  • Kirjoittajat Annette Dashofy
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 25.03.2014
  • Vuosi 2014
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Genretunnus JA
  • Sivumäärä 308
  • Avainsanat Thrillers - Suspense; Mystery & Detective - Women Sleuths; Mystery & Detective - Cozy - General
  • Kirjastoluokka FIC
  • Pituus (mm) 216
  • Leveys (mm) 140
  • Korkeus (mm) 17
  • Paino (g) 358
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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