Raising Boys Who Do Better Kovakantinen, englanti

A Hopeful Guide for a New Generation
Uju Asika

Raising Boys Who Do Better

A Hopeful Guide for a New Generation
Uju Asika

"I am so grateful for this book. There is palpable love in it. Love with eyes wide open to the dangers our boys face in today''s world, and love leading to a better, kinder place. Uju Asika has done a lot of homework, culturally and historically, and through raising her boys, and I will implement... Lue lisää

Kovakantinen, englanti UK Edition
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"I am so grateful for this book. There is palpable love in it. Love with eyes wide open to the dangers our boys face in today''s world, and love leading to a better, kinder place. Uju Asika has done a lot of homework, culturally and historically, and through raising her boys, and I will implement... Lue lisää

"I am so grateful for this book. There is palpable love in it. Love with eyes wide open to the dangers our boys face in today''s world, and love leading to a better, kinder place. Uju Asika has done a lot of homework, culturally and historically, and through raising her boys, and I will implement her lessons with my own boys." - Rob Delaney, comedian, actor, writer and Sunday Times bestselling author of A Heart That Works

"Uju Asika writes with much empathy and insight about some of the hard conversations we need to have as a society. Her first book Bringing Up Race changed the way I think, act and talk about race. I am sure this book will be just as transformative for countless parents and educators of boys. It''s a deeply engaging read that shines with Uju''s trademark wit and wisdom." - Julia Samuel, bestselling author, podcaster and award-winning psychotherapist

"As a domestic equity advocate, I believe if we want to change the world we need to start at home. Raising Boys Who Do Better is exactly the book I''ve been looking for as a mother trying to bring up my two boys against the weight of patriarchal conditioning. What I love about Uju''s writing is that she doesn''t preach or push an agenda, instead she invites us to reframe the way we think about masculinity and how we can ALL do better for our sons and for society at large. A funny, thought-provoking and heart-centred read that I would recommend to anyone, not just parents of boys." - Eve Rodsky, New York Times bestselling author of Fair Play and Find Your Unicorn Space

"This is such a wide-ranging, informative and relatable book that really resonated with me. Parenting our sons is often the forgotten part of equality. With an understanding of what it''s actually like to bring up a boy in the 21st Century, Uju Asika has brought together research with her own experiences, giving parents some of the prompts and tools we need to raise our sons to do better."- Kirstie Beaven, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Sonshine magazine

"Raising Boys Who Do Better is the most wonderful guide to navigating the increasingly complex role of ensuring we raise our boys to be true to themselves, and not let their gender define them. Uju Asika shares honestly and openly as a mother/bonus mother of three boys and writes with an inquisitive mind, which together with her humour, referencing a world of ''farts and manspreading'', makes for an easy and page turning read.

Given the increasingly worrying rate of suicides amongst young males, I predict this book is going to be a significant and important resource for any parent bringing up sons, and educators dealing with boys, to ensure we all are aware of the part we play in raising them to be contented, confident and considerate men." - Elaine Halligan, parenting coach and author of My Child''s Different

We need to have a conversation about boys. There has never been a more important time to consider how we are raising the men of the future.

This is an invitation for parents of boys, as well as anyone who cares about the young males in their lives. Parents of daughters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers, community leaders; this is a discussion that we all need to participate in.

Whether we are expecting a baby boy, parenting young men, or are simply interested in effecting positive change, many of us are asking how we can raise boys who challenge the status quo and are empowered to stand up for what is right. Confronting toxic masculinity and delving into the hot-button issues affecting boys today, from education to sexism, power to consent, Raising Boys Who Do Better looks at bringing up boys in the era of #MeToo and Black Lives Matter.

Inside the pages of Raising Boys Who Do Better, you will find:

- Interviews with experts in parenting, gender and psychology.
- Practical and applicable tips, journaling prompts, as well as advice for initiating conversations with boys and young men of every age.

Offering practical tips, journalling prompts and conversation starters, Uju Asika will include interviews with experts, as well as her own anecdotal experiences as a mother and step-mother. Exploring the relationships between parents and their sons, brothers, friendships and the wider community, this book is an absolute must-read for those who want to help nurture the boys in their lives to grow up into compassionate, kind, healthy and successful men.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Dorling Kindersley Ltd
  • ISBN 9780241608418
  • Tuotekoodi 9780241608418
  • Alanimike A Hopeful Guide for a New Generation
  • Kirjoittajat Uju Asika
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Thema-luokitus Syrjintä ja yhdenvertaisuus
  • Ilmestymispäivä 01.06.2023
  • Vuosi 2023
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk talous, it, yhteiskunta
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 288
  • Pituus (mm) 146
  • Leveys (mm) 224
  • Korkeus (mm) 32
  • Paino (g) 446
  • Tuotemuoto Kovakantinen

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