Norse, Celtic Mythology & Runes: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Norse & Celtic Folklore, The Myths, History, Sagas & Legends + The Magic, Spells & Mean Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Sofia Visconti

Norse, Celtic Mythology & Runes: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Norse & Celtic Folklore, The Myths, History, Sagas & Legends + The Magic, Spells & Mean

Sofia Visconti

The Norse God Odin was a relentless seeker of knowledge and wisdom, willing to sacrifice almost anything for this pursuit.
Odin's hunger for wisdom is evident in many of the stories that involve him, and I invite you to share his willingness to let go of your reality and jump into the mysterio... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
21,95 €
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The Norse God Odin was a relentless seeker of knowledge and wisdom, willing to sacrifice almost anything for this pursuit.
Odin's hunger for wisdom is evident in many of the stories that involve him, and I invite you to share his willingness to let go of your reality and jump into the mysterio... Lue lisää

The Norse God Odin was a relentless seeker of knowledge and wisdom, willing to sacrifice almost anything for this pursuit.
Odin's hunger for wisdom is evident in many of the stories that involve him, and I invite you to share his willingness to let go of your reality and jump into the mysterious worlds of Norse & Celtic Mythology and Runes.
Included in this Captivating 3 Book Collection are: Runes: A Guide To The Magic, Meanings, Spells, Divination & Rituals Of RunesCeltic Mythology: Dive Into The Depths Of Ancient Celtic Folklore, The Myths, Legends & Tales of The Gods, Goddesses, Warriors, Monsters, Magic & MoreNorse Mythology: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Norse Folklore, The Myths, History, Sagas & Legends of The Gods, Immortals, Magical Creatures, Vikings & More
Norse & Celtic Mythology present a rich collection of stories.
Through the ages they have inspired poets, authors, and songwriters alike with their ancient heritage of sagas, myths, legends, and battles.
Movies and television series about their way of life have surged in popularity. What makes it so fascinating is not the stories in themselves, although some are truly a feast to the eyes, but how they came to be and what they mean for the people that live by them.
Let's drink from the well of knowledge and jump into a realm of wonder, where nothing is as it seems!
By the end of this book, you will be familiar with both Norse & Celtic Mythology. Inside you will find heroic stories, myths, legends and epic tales of love and betrayal. You'll discover who they were, how they lived and how they influenced the modern world. And, of course, you'll know more about your favorite Gods & Godesses, such as how Thor got his famous hammer, Dagda Supreme God of The Celts and many more
Also in this book you will find,
Runes: A Guide To The Magic, Meanings, Spells, Divination & Rituals Of RunesRunes are, in fact, real artifacts - stones with runic inscriptions. They have both factual and mythological roots. From German tribes, to Vikings and to New Agers, Runes have played a powerful part in history.
Inside we will unravel the mystery of Runes to examine significant facts and history that provide us with a better understanding of them and how they can enhance your life.
All This & Much More Including: Celtics Beliefs, Ways of Worship & RitualsDiscover The Vikings - Facts & MythsHistory & Origins of Early Rune InscriptionsHow Nature & Her Sacred Creatures Have Shaped Celtic CultureThor The God of Thunder & The Story of How He Got His HammerThe 24 different runes that you can use to discover your future and how you can change itCeltic Gods & Goddesses - including Dagda - Supreme God of The Celts, Lug - The God of Justice & Many MoreRagnarok - All You Need to Know About the End of the WorldThe Legendary Origins of Merlin the Magician (Made Famous By Disney)Rune Spell casting and divining
And much, much more...
Open a door to another world.... a world of adventure, heroism, romance and mystery.
Norse, Celtic Mythology & Runes your calling has been answered with this book.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Fortune Publishing
  • ISBN 9781914312014
  • Tuotekoodi 9781914312014
  • Kirjoittajat Sofia Visconti
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 19.01.2021
  • Vuosi 2021
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk harrasteet
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 410
  • Avainsanat Folklore & Mythology; Europe - Ireland; Europe - Nordic Countries
  • Kirjastoluokka SOC
  • Pituus (mm) 229
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 21
  • Paino (g) 544
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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