Hunting With The Bow And Arrow - Legacy Edition: The Classic Manual For Making And Using Archery Equipment For Marksmanship And Hunting Kovakantinen, englanti

Saxton Pope

Hunting With The Bow And Arrow - Legacy Edition: The Classic Manual For Making And Using Archery Equipment For Marksmanship And Hunting

Saxton Pope

The Timeless Manual for Archery and How to Make and Use Bows And ArrowsNote: This version is a reprint of the very rare First Edition from 1923 and the not later printings. The original text from which the facsimile was made has minor warping and page marks from old age.This deluxe unabridged rep... Lue lisää

Kovakantinen, englanti
38,95 €
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The Timeless Manual for Archery and How to Make and Use Bows And ArrowsNote: This version is a reprint of the very rare First Edition from 1923 and the not later printings. The original text from which the facsimile was made has minor warping and page marks from old age.This deluxe unabridged rep... Lue lisää

The Timeless Manual for Archery and How to Make and Use Bows And ArrowsNote: This version is a reprint of the very rare First Edition from 1923 and the not later printings. The original text from which the facsimile was made has minor warping and page marks from old age.This deluxe unabridged reprint Legacy Edition of Saxton Pope's historic Hunting With The Bow And Arrow is full of classic tips and methods for making and using your very own archery equipment, from long bows and recurve bows to arrows and arrowheads of all types, as well as vintage accessories for making your hand-made archery experience the best it can be. And, of course, Pope shares many old hunting stories from his bow-and-arrow tracking trips with deer, bears, and mountain lions! Originally published in 1923, this vintage classic book is an essential text for the study of traditional hunting and outdoors skills.Pope's study of bows and arrows throughout history is unparalleled. Drawing on his time with the Yana Indians and having published at least three books on archery, this present book focuses on the specific composition of bows and arrows. He provides specifics on how to make your own bows, including discussions on the best types of wood. Arrow making is also included, with detailed instructions on wood, feathers, bindings, and arrowheads. To complement the discussion on archery equipment, Pope supplements with a history of archery among native peoples and some real stories about hunting with his handmade bows.This vintage book includes timeless knowledge archery topics. It makes a perfect gift for archery enthusiasts and hunters, young and old! This is the classic manual of archery, preserved for almost a century! It also makes a great gift for outsoorspeople, bushcrafters, survivalists, campers, and scouts. Although this book represents thought from a former time, it also reveals much about the rich history of archery, and many of the tips, tricks, and discussions are still relevant for study today!A part of the Library of American Outdoors Classics: Volume 21This Doublebit Legacy Edition reprint of Hunting With The Bow And Arrow is professionally restored and presented from the original source, including inspiration from the book's original cover, with the highest degree of fidelity possible. Readers can enjoy this Legacy Edition for generations to come and learn from its timeless knowledge.About the Doublebit Press Library of American Outdoors ClassicsSometimes we need to remember our history to move forward. Sometimes, remembering our heritage is just fun or inspirational. With technology playing a major role in everyday life, sometimes we need to take a step back in time to find those basic building blocks used for gaining mastery - the things that we have luckily not completely lost and has been recorded in books over the last two centuries. These skills aren't forgotten, they've just been shelved. It's time to unshelve them once again and reclaim the lost knowledge of self-sufficiency!As a part of the Doublebit Press Library of American Outdoors Classics, this unabridged Legacy Edition volume is reprinted in the exact form as it was presented in the original publication. Both important and minor details have equally both been accounted for by our publishing staff, down to the cover, font, layout, and images. It is the goal of Doublebit Legacy Edition series to preserve outdoors heritage, but also be cherished as collectible pieces, worthy of collection in any outdoorsperson's library and that can be passed to future generations.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Doublebit Press
  • ISBN 9781643891033
  • Tuotekoodi 9781643891033
  • Kirjoittajat Saxton Pope
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 06.02.2020
  • Vuosi 2020
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk terveys (lääket, eläinlääk)
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 278
  • Avainsanat Safety & Security - Survival & Emergency Preparedness; Archery; Hunting
  • Kirjastoluokka SPO
  • Pituus (mm) 229
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 19
  • Paino (g) 576
  • Tuotemuoto Kovakantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Lankasidos

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