Ways of Being

James Bridle

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Ways to Be Me

Rebecca Westcott (+1)

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We Need to Talk About Putin

Mark Galeotti

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Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith

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Weapons of Math Destruction

Cathy O'Neil

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Weird Walk

Weird Walk

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Whale Done!

Ken Blanchard

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What About Men?

Caitlin Moran

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What About Men?

Caitlin Moran

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What About Me? Said the Flea

Lily Murray

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What Got You Here Won't Get You There

Marshall Goldsmith

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What Went Wrong With Capitalism

Ruchir Sharma

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What White People Can Do Next

Emma Dabiri

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When I Dare to Be Powerful

Audre Lorde

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When McKinsey Comes to Town

Walt Bogdanich (+1)

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Which Food Will You Choose?

Claire Potter

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Which Bum's Mum's?

Jonny Leighton

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White Fragility

Robin DiAngelo

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White Torture

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Otegha Uwagba

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Why Don't Students Like School?

Daniel T. (University of Virginia) Willingham

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Why Men Win at Work

Gill Whitty-Collins

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Why Nations Fail

Daron Acemoglu (+1)

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Why War?

Richard Overy

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Why We Get the Wrong Politicians

Isabel (Author) Hardman

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Why We Eat (Too Much)

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Why We Remember

Dr Charan Ranganath

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Why You Won’t Get Rich

Robert Verkaik

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Why, oh why, am I a crocodile?

Alex Brooks

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Wild City

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Wild City

Florence Wilkinson

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