Blockchain Bubble or Revolution: The Future of Bitcoin, Blockchains, and Cryptocurrencies Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Neel Mehta / Aditya Agashe / Parth Detroja

Blockchain Bubble or Revolution: The Future of Bitcoin, Blockchains, and Cryptocurrencies

Neel Mehta / Aditya Agashe / Parth Detroja

Some experts say that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are just a scam; others say they're "the most important invention since the internet." It's hard to tell who's right.Authored by Silicon Valley leaders from Google, Microsoft, and Facebook, Bubble or Revolution cuts through the hype to offer a ba... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
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Some experts say that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are just a scam; others say they're "the most important invention since the internet." It's hard to tell who's right.Authored by Silicon Valley leaders from Google, Microsoft, and Facebook, Bubble or Revolution cuts through the hype to offer a ba... Lue lisää

Some experts say that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are just a scam; others say they're "the most important invention since the internet." It's hard to tell who's right.Authored by Silicon Valley leaders from Google, Microsoft, and Facebook, Bubble or Revolution cuts through the hype to offer a balanced, comprehensive, and accessible analysis of blockchains and cryptocurrencies.You'll learn the core concepts of Bitcoin and blockchain technologies to understand their strengths and weaknesses from real-world case studies; dive deep into their technical, economic, political, and legal complexities; gain insights about their future from exclusive interviews with dozens of tech industry leaders. Are blockchains and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin a bubble or a revolution? We'll help you decide for yourself.COUNTERFEIT PHYSICAL BOOK WARNING: There are several sellers selling counterfeit new and used copies of our book. The counterfeit copies are missing 38 pages of new content updates made in 2021 with the latest blockchain developments. To ensure you get a legitimate version of our book with the latest updates, please only buy NEW copies that say "Ships From & Sold By Amazon."
What's inside: Bitcoin and the blockchainHow Bitcoin and blockchains work from a technical perspective with no assumed technical knowledgeSatoshi Nakamoto and the history of Bitcoin, the original blockchainThorough overview of crucial crypto concepts (eg. blocks, keys, mining, etc.)Frameworks for understanding when it actually makes sense to use blockchainMajor application scenarios for blockchain and cryptocurrencies and where it'll fall flat
Public blockchains and altcoinsEmerging trends in blockchain technologyWhat you should know before buying any cryptocurrencyOverview of Etherum and smart contractsOverview of the strengths and weaknesses of the top altcoins and stable coinsAlternatives to blockchain and cryptocurrenciesNew kinds of decentralized ledger technology (DLT)Economics of both traditional payment methods and cryptocurrenciesCryptocurrency security best practices and major breach case studies
Private blockchainsHow blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and traditional banking & finance will interact with one another in the futurePublic blockchains vs private blockchainsLimitations and shortcomings of public blockchains and cryptocurrenciesRole of blockchain in the strategy of top tech companies like Meta and MicrosoftCase studies of how non-tech companies are effectively utilizing blockchain (e.g. Walmart using it to prevent foodborne illness)Business blockchain case studies ranging from gaming (e.g. Xbox) to cloud services (e.g. Microsoft Azure's blockchain-as-a-service)Blockchain's use for big data, internet of things (IoT), and machine learning (ML)
Cryptocurrency regulation and policyICOs vs STOs vs IPOsKYC and AML lawsDebate over whether cryptocurrencies are securitiesOfficial stance of various countries on cryptoOverview of crypto policy and regulatory hurdlesRole of crypto in emerging markets and ChinaDigital democracy and voting on the blockchain
The future of decentralized technologyIf, how, and when the tokenization of national currencies will play outFacebook and WhatsApp's upcoming cryptocurrenciesCurrency tokenization and China's efforts to tokenize the yuanBlockchain, IoT, and the tangleCryptocurrencies vs fiat vs the gold standardPredictions about the future of money, business, and currencyWhy blockchains would do better on Mars than Earth
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Paravane Ventures
  • ISBN 9780578528151
  • Tuotekoodi 9780578528151
  • Kirjoittajat Neel Mehta; Aditya Agashe; Parth Detroja
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 12.06.2019
  • Vuosi 2019
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk talous, it, yhteiskunta
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 332
  • Avainsanat Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies; E-Commerce - General (see also Computers - Electronic Commer; Blockchain
  • Kirjastoluokka BUS
  • Pituus (mm) 216
  • Leveys (mm) 140
  • Korkeus (mm) 19
  • Paino (g) 422
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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