Metal Detecting Gold: A Beginner's Guide to Modern Gold Prospecting Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Mark D. Smith

Metal Detecting Gold: A Beginner's Guide to Modern Gold Prospecting

Mark D. Smith

"I found my first gold nugget using the information in this book! I can't wait to find my second!" - Chad in Arizona "Packed full of great gold prospecting tips any person can benefit from!" - Bob in Arizona "Saved me a ton of time trying to figure out which metal detector was the right choice fo... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
18,95 €
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"I found my first gold nugget using the information in this book! I can't wait to find my second!" - Chad in Arizona "Packed full of great gold prospecting tips any person can benefit from!" - Bob in Arizona "Saved me a ton of time trying to figure out which metal detector was the right choice fo... Lue lisää

"I found my first gold nugget using the information in this book! I can't wait to find my second!" - Chad in Arizona "Packed full of great gold prospecting tips any person can benefit from!" - Bob in Arizona "Saved me a ton of time trying to figure out which metal detector was the right choice for gold prospecting!" - Vince in Nevada "Now I know exactly why, where and when I can find gold using the right metal detector. I am pumped and ready!" Jim in Colorado "I've been gold prospecting the old fashion way for over 25 years. I thought it was about time I tried finding gold with a metal detector. This book told me everything I needed to know!" - Mike in California "This is my 3rd book by Mark Smith and it leaves no stone unturned. Great information, easy to understand pictures, detailed illustrations and a great sense of humor kept me reading until the end. Thanks for another great book Mark!" - Kurt in Colorado Gold, one of the most popular and yet elusive precious metals on the planet can be found buried right under your feet using nothing more than the right knowledge and a metal detector. This book shows you how, where and why you can easily find your first picker, gold nugget or chunk of color. Over 180 pages of valuable gold prospecting information designed to get you out there finding gold with your metal detector. There is gold out there just waiting for you to dig it up. Learning how to find your first piece is simple and easy once you read this modern take on the old art of gold prospecting. There are people out there who are digging up rare and valuable pieces of gold every single day. You could be one of them, but only if you know how and where to look. Metal Detecting: A Beginner's Guide to Modern Gold Prospecting shows you this and much, much more. Veteran detectorist and treasure enthusiast Mark Smith continues to provide great information to anyone interested in the great hobby of metal detecting. In his 6th book, he manages to answer the common questions that every novice has when they are thinking about getting started searching for gold with a metal detector. From choosing the right machine to learning how to spot great gold producing areas, Mark Smith covers these subjects and everything in between in an easy to understand way. While this metal detecting book may be geared towards the novice gold hunter, there are plenty of choice tips that even experienced gold prospectors can use to help them find gold with a metal detector. Mark Smith reveals some of his best guarded gold detecting secrets in this metal detecting guide that puts more gold in your pocket. Fully illustrated diagrams and real life pictures describe in detail the easiest ways to not only locate gold, but safely recover it as well. Learn how to find more gold by: understanding common gold prospecting terminology, understanding why common metal detectors won't find gold, understanding which metal detectors have been designed to specifically locate gold, understanding which gold prospecting accessories are worth owning, other equipment you will need, how soil conditions change the way you find gold, where you should start searching for gold, how gold moves around on land and water, how to research prosperous gold producing sites, how to locate existing gold claims, how to file your own gold claim, secret places where gold is always found, which recovery tools work the best, how to recover gold and more! What are you waiting for? Find out how you can maximize your gold prospecting finds with this informative metal detecting book today.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • ISBN 9781512155976
  • Tuotekoodi 9781512155976
  • Kirjoittajat Mark D. Smith
  • Kuvittajat Mark D. Smith
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 11.05.2015
  • Vuosi 2015
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk taide, musiikki
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 190
  • Avainsanat Mining; Silver, Gold & Other Metals
  • Kirjastoluokka ANT
  • Pituus (mm) 229
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 10
  • Paino (g) 263
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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