Go Tell the Bees that I am Gone
*The author of the Sunday Times bestselling Outlander series returns with the newest novel in the epic tale.*
''Gabaldon''s vast and sweeping account of the war is so intricately plotted and peopled that one is amazed she could conceive and write it in only seven years'' Independent
*The author of the Sunday Times bestselling Outlander series returns with the newest novel in the epic tale.*
''Gabaldon''s vast and sweeping account of the war is so intricately plotted and peopled that one is amazed she could conceive and write it in only seven years'' Independent
''Gabaldon''s vast and sweeping account of the war is so intricately plotted and peopled that one is amazed she could conceive and write it in only seven years'' Independent
''Go Tell the Bees is packed with everything readers love about the Outlander series'' Guardian
''Gabaldon is a gifted world-builder, and her attention to the unglamorous details of life in the past, like digging privies, plus authentic portraits of marriage and relationships lift her series'' Daily Telegraph
Jamie Fraser and Claire Randall were torn apart by the Jacobite Rising of 1745, and it took them twenty years to find each other again. Now the American Revolution threatens to do the same.
It is 1779 and Claire and Jamie are at last reunited with their daughter, Brianna, her husband, Roger, and their children on Fraser''s Ridge. Having the family together is a dream the Frasers had thought impossible.
Yet even in the North Carolina backcountry, the effects of war are being felt. Tensions in the Colonies are great and local feelings run hot enough to boil Hell''s tea-kettle. Jamie knows loyalties among his own tenants are split and the war is on his doorstep. It''s only a matter of time before the shooting starts.
Not so far away, young William Ransom is still coming to terms with the discovery of his true father''s identity - and thus his own. Lord John Grey also has reconciliations to make and dangers to meet . . . on his son''s behalf, and his own.
Meanwhile, the Southern Colonies blaze, and the Revolution creeps ever closer to Fraser''s Ridge. And Claire, the physician, wonders how much of the blood to be spilt will belong to those she loves.
Readers can''t get enough of Go Tell The Bees ...
***** ''6/5 ... like it could be anything else..''
***** ''I love the characters, I love the details, I love the life Gabaldon breathes into the stories.''
***** ''A wonderful book I''m sorry to have finished.''
***** ''Five stars. This series is captivating and tugs on your heartstrings. ''
***** ''I adore these books. I love Gabaldon''s work.''
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Cornerstone
- ISBN 9781529158465
- Tuotekoodi 9781529158465
- Alanimike (Outlander 9)
- Kirjoittajat Diana Gabaldon
- Sarja Outlander
- Kieli Englanti
- Thema-luokitus Moderni kirjallisuus ja nykykirjallisuus
- Ilmestymispäivä 13.09.2022
- Vuosi 2022
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Genretunnus MU
- Sivumäärä 1376
- Pituus (mm) 197
- Leveys (mm) 129
- Korkeus (mm) 63
- Paino (g) 924
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
Tämä tuote kuuluu tuoteryhmiin
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