Why Don't Things Fall Up?
''A great idea, beautifully executed.'' Popular Science
''A book of quiet wonder.'' Ian Dunt
''I have learnt (and remembered) so much, and so easily. It''s the mango ice cream of science books.'' Hilary McKay
''Everything Alom writes is a joy to ponder, his love of science i... Lue lisää
''A great idea, beautifully executed.'' Popular Science
''A book of quiet wonder.'' Ian Dunt
''I have learnt (and remembered) so much, and so easily. It''s the mango ice cream of science books.'' Hilary McKay
''Everything Alom writes is a joy to ponder, his love of science i... Lue lisää
''A book of quiet wonder.'' Ian Dunt
''I have learnt (and remembered) so much, and so easily. It''s the mango ice cream of science books.'' Hilary McKay
''Everything Alom writes is a joy to ponder, his love of science is utterly contagious, the perfect guide through things that might perplex.'' Robin Ince
''A joyful exploration of fundamental questions about our world; Shaha proves that science is for everyone!'' Roma Agrawal
''Friendly, informative and such fun to read.'' Christopher Edge
''Alom Shaha is the science teacher many people will wish they had but didn''t.'' Philip Ball
''Here is the teacher you''ll wish you had at school.'' Jim S. Al-Khalili CBE
''A gentle and reassuring journey through school science, perfect for polishing up both long-forgotten knowledge and confidence, and helping everyone to make science a part of their world. Helen Czerski
Has a child - or anyone else - ever asked you why the sky is blue? Could you explain why ice cream melts? Have you forgotten why scientists think the universe started with a Big Bang, and do you understand the difference between respiration and breathing?
Why Don''t Things Fall Up? will gently remind you of everything you may have learnt once upon a time, but have somehow forgotten along the way. If you''ve ever changed the subject when a child has asked for homework help, or if you have the curiosity of a seven year old yourself, or if you know everything but have forgotten the basics or don''t want to know anything except the basics - then this is the book for you.
Using questions asked by children as a starting point, Alom Shaha (who has spent over two decades trying to help people of all ages understand this stuff) takes us on a tour of the "big ideas" of science from his unique perspective. His experience as a dad, a teacher and science communicator means he knows exactly what people don''t know -and especially the misconceptions and other intellectual hurdles which prevent us from grasping key ideas. Combining his proven skill for explaining science with storytelling and flashbacks to school experiments, Why Don''t Things Fall Up? reminds us that science is not just for scientists - it''s a human endeavour that enriches all our lives.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Hodder & Stoughton
- ISBN 9781529348163
- Tuotekoodi 9781529348163
- Alanimike Seven fundamental science questions explored and explained
- Kirjoittajat Alom Shaha
- Kieli Englanti
- Thema-luokitus Populaaritiede
- Ilmestymispäivä 17.08.2023
- Vuosi 2023
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk mat, fys, kem
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 304
- Pituus (mm) 139
- Leveys (mm) 205
- Korkeus (mm) 31
- Paino (g) 362
- Tuotemuoto Kovakantinen
Tämä tuote kuuluu tuoteryhmiin
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