''A great book if you are seeking small space inspiration.'' Evening Standard
''Whether you dream of a Mediterranean oasis, a rose-filled retreat or a tropical jungle, Green will help you to make the most of your space, proving that small can indeed be beautiful.'' House & Garden book ... Lue lisää
''A great book if you are seeking small space inspiration.'' Evening Standard
''Whether you dream of a Mediterranean oasis, a rose-filled retreat or a tropical jungle, Green will help you to make the most of your space, proving that small can indeed be beautiful.'' House & Garden book ... Lue lisää
''Whether you dream of a Mediterranean oasis, a rose-filled retreat or a tropical jungle, Green will help you to make the most of your space, proving that small can indeed be beautiful.'' House & Garden book picks of the year 2020
''Can a really small space ever be turned into a beautiful garden? Fashionable garden designer Ula Maria shows how even the tiniest balcony or courtyard can become something special. Featuring numerous case histories and practical advice on storage, paving, furniture and lighting, this is an excellent reference source for anyone with limited space and big dreams.'' Daily Mail best books of the year 2020
''Garden designer Ula Maria takes us on a safari through small but perfectly formed inspire your very own Eden.'' Elle Deco
''Urban garden design has inspired books ever since the Victorians started to green their sprawling new neighbourhoods. But where Maria''s Green differs is that it focuses on the possibilities of growing in small spaces rather than the restrictions. The 22 gardens she has brought together (by various designers) erupt with potential...In Green urban gardens, so often prone to a twinge of pity from those who tend larger, more rural spaces, become deeply aspirational.'' Alice Vincent, Daily Telegraph
''A must for apprehensive city gardeners and for anyone wanting to make the most out of their outdoor space, no matter how small it might be. [...] Flicking through it feels almost as enjoyable and relaxing as sitting in the garden.'' Gardens Illustrated
''The first book from rising star Ula Maria tackles the perennial challenge of how to create a garden in a small space. [...] Whether you dream of a Mediterranean oasis, a rose-filled retreat or a tropical jungle, Green will help you to make the most of your space, proving that small can indeed be beautiful.'' House & Garden
''Spending so much time outdoors in my childhood made me think of a garden as a natural extension of my home - an inseparable part of everyday life. It wasn''t until I moved into a rented property in the city that I felt an undeniable urge to make the most of the little exterior space that we had and re-evaluate it. In time, creating outdoor spaces that people truly care for, no matter how small or large, became much more rewarding than perfecting any indoor space. Many say that a home is a true reflection of self, but I believe it is the garden, where personalities and relationships with our surroundings truly blossom.'' Ula Maria
In Green, RHS Chelsea Gold Medal and Best In Show 2024 winner Ula Maria takes a completely fresh look at creating a garden in whatever outdoor space is available - be it a roof terrace, balcony, small back yard or patio. Perfect for first-time gardeners, the book approaches creating a garden as if decorating a room - exploring how to work with scale, colour and texture, to choosing the plants that will thrive in an urban space. At the heart of the book are 22 genuinely small and innovative gardens with a dazzling range of ideas to copy - from a small backyard garden using reclaimed timber, evergreens and grasses to a rental rooftop terrace in the heart of the city where a cottage-style garden has been created in simple containers. Using low-maintenance plants and affordable furniture, lighting and containers, Green offers simple solutions that don''t involve major structural work but will quickly result in a stylish and hugely rewarding urban sanctuary. The book was shot by award-winning photographer, Jason Ingram.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Octopus Publishing Group
- ISBN 9781784726010
- Tuotekoodi 9781784726010
- Alanimike Simple Ideas for Small Outdoor Spaces from RHS Chelsea Gold Medal Winner
- Kirjoittajat Ula Maria
- Kieli Englanti
- Thema-luokitus Puutarhasuunnittelu
- Ilmestymispäivä 02.04.2020
- Vuosi 2020
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk luonto
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 176
- Pituus (mm) 196
- Leveys (mm) 242
- Korkeus (mm) 20
- Paino (g) 702
- Tuotemuoto Kovakantinen
Tämä tuote kuuluu tuoteryhmiin
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