Tale of the Heart Queen
''UTTERLY ENTHRALLING'' Rebecca Yarros, New York Times bestselling author of Fourth Wing
Tale of the Heart Queen is the spellbinding conclusion to the Artefacts of Ouranos romantasy sensation, filled with enticing magic, perilous action and sizzling romance. Fans of A Court of Thorns and R... Lue lisää
''UTTERLY ENTHRALLING'' Rebecca Yarros, New York Times bestselling author of Fourth Wing
Tale of the Heart Queen is the spellbinding conclusion to the Artefacts of Ouranos romantasy sensation, filled with enticing magic, perilous action and sizzling romance. Fans of A Court of Thorns and R... Lue lisää
Tale of the Heart Queen is the spellbinding conclusion to the Artefacts of Ouranos romantasy sensation, filled with enticing magic, perilous action and sizzling romance. Fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses and Serpent and the Wings of Night will be hooked!
After Lor makes the biggest mistake of her life, she finds herself on the run from the Aurora King and decides it''s time to end this, once and for all. But when a new enemy emerges to claim her freedom, the entire fate of Ouranos comes to rest on her shoulders.
As the land continues to rebel, Lor must admit she is the key to saving the continent, whether she likes it or not. To fight for Nadir, she must lie, steal, and do whatever it takes to hunt down the remaining arks. Growing more and more desperate, she worries her actions are turning her into something she doesn''t recognize, dooming her to repeat her grandmother''s mistakes.
When the Aurora King finally comes for her, Lor ventures into the Underworld''s shadowy depths, where, once again, she finds herself at the heart of another deadly test. Only this time, she''s competing for everyone''s future, not just a crown.
The only thing Lor ever wanted was to be free, but she may soon find she was always destined for a cage.
Praise for the series:
''Trial of the Sun Queen was truly a breath of fresh air and had me white knuckling the book until the very last page. I''m on pins and needles to see what happens next!'' Hannah Nicole Maehrer, author of Assistant to the Villain
''Magical, action-packed, steamy, intricately plotted, laden with heart-wrenching moments and heart-pounding twists -- Trial of the Sun Queen is nothing short of a dark, fantastical thrill ride'' Thea Guanzon, author of The Hurricane Wars
''I picked up Trial of the Sun Queen and was hooked from the very first sentence. This world is gripping, the plot exciting, and I loved the main character so much that I was rooting for her from the start. Nisha created a series that is addicting and visceral, with the perfect amount of spicy romance. One of my all time favourite fantasy romance reads'' Raven Kennedy, author of Gild
The Artefacts of Ouranos series:
Trial of the Sun Queen
Rule of the Aurora King
Fate of the Sun King
Tale of the Heart Queen
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Little, Brown Book Group
- ISBN 9780356523422
- Tuotekoodi 9780356523422
- Kirjoittajat Nisha J. Tuli
- Sarja Artefacts of Ouranos
- Kieli Englanti
- Thema-luokitus Romanttinen fantasiakirjallisuus
- Ilmestymispäivä 26.11.2024
- Vuosi 2024
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Genretunnus FA
- Sivumäärä 688
- Pituus (mm) 198
- Leveys (mm) 126
- Korkeus (mm) 22
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
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