Lectin Free Super Simple: More Than 110 Recipes For Instant, Overnight, Meal-Prepped, And Easy Comfort Foods: A Cookbook. Kovakantinen, englanti

James Tanksley

Lectin Free Super Simple: More Than 110 Recipes For Instant, Overnight, Meal-Prepped, And Easy Comfort Foods: A Cookbook.

James Tanksley

Are you interested in a cookbook that has 111 Lectin free recipes? If yes, then this is the right bookfor you! Lectin is a special type of protein that we can find in all sorts of plants and especially inplant seeds. And Lectins are known for acting as a deterrent element against all creature... Lue lisää

Kovakantinen, englanti
22,95 €
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Are you interested in a cookbook that has 111 Lectin free recipes? If yes, then this is the right bookfor you! Lectin is a special type of protein that we can find in all sorts of plants and especially inplant seeds. And Lectins are known for acting as a deterrent element against all creature... Lue lisää

Are you interested in a cookbook that has 111 Lectin free recipes? If yes, then this is the right bookfor you! Lectin is a special type of protein that we can find in all sorts of plants and especially inplant seeds. And Lectins are known for acting as a deterrent element against all creatures whoconsume seeds and plants. Indeed, this element seeds or plants function binding the molecules ofcarbohydrates that are present in all cell membranes within our gut. And this action disrupts thefunction of cell membranes and irritates the gut and causes us serious health conditions like certainautoimmune problems. Thus, we should think twice before eating Lectins and making it a part ofyour meals.This books covers: Breakfast Mains Sides Seafood MeatAnd much more.There is no doubt, our ancestors and ancient people; used to eat plants since the emerging of thefirst human being over the globe yet; they used to eat less Lectins. And it was thanks to theancestors' primary eating method that, humans, in general, have managed to develop a naturalprotective reaction against Lectins. By restricting the consumption of Lectins, we will guarantee thatour guts are totally coated with a protection barrier made of mucus or what is usually calledmolecules. The molecules function by destroying any Lectins and hence will help neutralize theLectins that exist in any plant. We can generally find excessively in grains, in wheat and in corn. Wealso find Lectins in legumes, beans, kidney beans, black beans, soy beans and even in peanuts.Nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants are packed with Lectins, so it is advisedto stay away from it. Besides, dairy products like cow milk are forbidden in a Lectin free diet. In afew words, Lectins are mostly found in the foods each of us eats every day.Lectins play the role of anti-nutrients in our bodies which signify they possess some importanteffects on our bodies and health in general. Lectins are known for its damaging effects on our gutmicro biome and it intervenes in shifting, considerably, the balance of our bacterial flora. And wheatgerm; Agglutinin has proven to be one of the most effective culprits that can be found in wheat andgrains.Dr. Steven Gundry who has studied the hidden effects of Lectins on our body suggests that some ofthe Lectins participate in contributing to a leaky gut. For instance, Lectins tend to bind the receptordestined cells in our intestinal cells and thus interferes with the process of absorbing the nutrientswe get from food. Dr. Gundry has also found that Lectins make a threat on our health as it causescertain inflammatory as well as autoimmune diseases.Once you have well understood the dangers Lectins have on your health, you should start removing Lectins from your daily culinary habits or at least begin by drastically decreasing the intake of Lectinsor you will risk severe health conditions.Besides, Lectins can also trick your body by attacking your vital organs like your thyroid glands andcan contribute to the disease known as Arthritis. Some Lectins penetrate your gut wall and maycause strong and severe immune responses.Click buy now!

  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Owl Press
  • ISBN 9781914300516
  • Tuotekoodi 9781914300516
  • Kirjoittajat James Tanksley
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 02.01.2021
  • Vuosi 2021
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk keittokirjat
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 64
  • Avainsanat Health & Healing - Weight Control; Health & Healing - Low Cholesterol
  • Kirjastoluokka CKB
  • Pituus (mm) 279
  • Leveys (mm) 216
  • Korkeus (mm) 6
  • Paino (g) 449
  • Tuotemuoto Kovakantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Lankasidos

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