Solitary: A Biography (National Book Award Finalist; Pulitzer Prize Finalist) Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Albert Woodfox

Solitary: A Biography (National Book Award Finalist; Pulitzer Prize Finalist)

Albert Woodfox

Named One of Barack Obama's Favorite Books of 2019
Winner of the Stowe Prize
Named the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities Book of the Year
Named a Best... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
21,95 €
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Named One of Barack Obama's Favorite Books of 2019
Winner of the Stowe Prize
Named the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities Book of the Year
Named a Best... Lue lisää

Named One of Barack Obama's Favorite Books of 2019
Winner of the Stowe Prize
Named the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities Book of the Year
Named a Best Book of the Year by the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, Publishers Weekly, BookBrowse, and Literary Hub
Winner of the BookBrowse Award for Best Debut of 2019
A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice"An uncommonly powerful memoir about four decades in confinement . . . A profound book about friendship . . . Woodfox reminds us, in Solitary, of the tens of thousands of men, women, and children in solitary confinement in the United States. This is torture of a modern variety. If the ending of this book does not leave you with tears pooling down in your clavicles, you are a stronger person than I am. More lasting is Woodfox's conviction that the American justice system is in dire need of reform."--Dwight Garner, New York Times"A candid, heartbreaking, and infuriating chronicle . . . as well as a personal narrative that shows how institutionalized racism festered at the core of our judicial system and in the country's prisons . . . It's impossible to read Solitary and not feel anger . . . A timely memoir of that experience that should be required reading in the age of the Black Lives Matter movement. It's also a story of conviction and humanity that shows some spirits are unbreakable."--NPR"Heart-rending . . . Solitary is Woodfox's pointillist account of an already boxed-in childhood and adolescence in the streets of New Orleans--by his own admission, an existence marked by ignorance and devoted to petty and increasingly serious crime--and the near entirety of an intellectually and spiritually expansive adulthood spent in one of the most brutal prisons in the country (and therefore the world) . . . Some of the most touching writing on platonic male friendship I have every encountered . . . 'We must imagine Sisyphus happy, ' Camus famously wrote, and such a prompt is the ennobling virtue at the core of Solitary. It lifts the book above mere advocacy or even memoir and places it in the realm of stoic philosophy."--Thomas Chatterton Williams, New York Times Book Review"Wrenching, sometimes numbing, sometimes almost physically painful to read. You want to turn away, put the book down: Enough, no more! But you can't, because after forty-plus years, the very least we owe Woodfox is attention to his story . . . [Solitary's] moral power is so overwhelming . . . Solitary should make every reader writhe with shame and ask: What am I going to do to help change this?"--Washington Post"Solitary is evidence of Woodfox's extraordinary mental resilience in the face of relentless state cruelty. The pacing is brisk, with brief stops to reflect on the United States' mass incarceration of black people, Woodfox's black identity, and his personal philosophy, much of it centered on the Black Panther Party's 10-Point Program. Woven together, these strands form an indictment of the U.S. criminal justice system that should be read for generations."--Globe and Mail"We have had the opportunity to read a new book called Solitary by Albert Woodfox. Anyone who believes in capital punishment should read it . . . We should consider the story of Albert Woodfox. How can you call for the death penalty when you know an innocent man could be in the gallows? Is that risk civilized society can take? Not here, not now. Not ever again."--Art Cullen, Storm Lake Times"[Woodfox's] incredible story is necessary reading, not only to understand our era of mass incarceration, but the entire history of the judicial system in America."--Town & Country"In this devastating, superb memoir, Woodfox reflects on his decades inside the Louisiana prison system . . . The book is a stunning indictment of a judicial system 'not concerned with innocence or justice, ' and a crushing account of the inhumanity of solitary confinement. This breathtaking, brutal, and intelligent book will move and inspire readers."--Publishers Weekly (starred review) "In beautifully poetic language that starkly contrasts the world he's describing, Woodfox awes and inspires. He illustrates the power of the human spirit, while illuminated the dire need for prison reform in the United States. Solitary is a beautiful blend of passion, terror, and hope that everyone needs to experience."--Shelf Awareness (starred review) "A man who spent four decades in solitary confinement for a crime he did not commit tells his shocking story . . . Woodfox explains how he overcame [brutal conditions] despite relentless despair . . . An important story for these times . . . An astonishing true saga of incarceration that would have surely faced rejection if submitted as a novel on the grounds that it could never happen in real life."--Kirkus Reviews "Solitary is an astounding story and makes clear the inhumanity of solitary confinement. How Albert Woodfox maintained his compassion and sense of hope throughout his ordeal is both amazing and inspiring."--Ibram X. Kendi, author of Stamped from the Beginning, winner of the National Book Award "Sage, profound and deeply humane, Albert Woodfox has authored an American testament. Solitary is not simply an indictment of the cruelties, absurdities and hypocrisies of the criminal justice system, it is a call to conscience for all who have allowed these acts to be done in our name."--Jelani Cobb, author of The Substance of Hope"A man who would not be broken. Not by more than 40 years of solitary in Ang
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Grove Press
  • ISBN 9780802148308
  • Tuotekoodi 9780802148308
  • Kirjoittajat Albert Woodfox
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 03.12.2019
  • Vuosi 2019
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk historia, muistelmat
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 448
  • Avainsanat Memoirs; Discrimination; Penology
  • Kirjastoluokka BIO
  • Pituus (mm) 208
  • Leveys (mm) 135
  • Korkeus (mm) 33
  • Paino (g) 431
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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