Paul Simon: The Life Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Robert Hilburn

Paul Simon: The Life

Robert Hilburn

Acclaimed music writer Robert Hilburn's "epic" and "definitive" (Rolling Stone) biography of music icon Paul Simon, written with Simon's full participation--but without his editorial control--that "reminds us how titanic this musician is" (The Washington Post). For more than fifty years, Paul Sim... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
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Acclaimed music writer Robert Hilburn's "epic" and "definitive" (Rolling Stone) biography of music icon Paul Simon, written with Simon's full participation--but without his editorial control--that "reminds us how titanic this musician is" (The Washington Post). For more than fifty years, Paul Sim... Lue lisää

Acclaimed music writer Robert Hilburn's "epic" and "definitive" (Rolling Stone) biography of music icon Paul Simon, written with Simon's full participation--but without his editorial control--that "reminds us how titanic this musician is" (The Washington Post). For more than fifty years, Paul Simon has spoken to us in songs about alienation, doubt, resilience, and empathy in ways that have established him as one of the most beloved artists in American pop music history. Songs like "The Sound of Silence," "Bridge Over Troubled Water," "Still Crazy After All These Years," and "Graceland" have moved beyond the sales charts and into our cultural consciousness. But Simon is a deeply private person who has said he will not write an autobiography or talk to biographers. Finally, however, he has opened up for Robert Hilburn--for more than one hundred hours of interviews--in this "brilliant and entertaining portrait of Simon that will likely be the definitive biography" (Publishers Weekly, starred review). Over the course of three years, Hilburn conducted in-depth interviews with scores of Paul Simon's friends, family, colleagues, and others--including ex-wives Carrie Fisher and Peggy Harper, who spoke for the first time--and even penetrated the inner circle of Simon's long-reclusive muse, Kathy Chitty. The result is a deeply human account of the challenges and sacrifices of a life in music at the highest level. In the process, Hilburn documents Simon's search for artistry and his constant struggle to protect that artistry against distractions--fame, marriage, divorce, drugs, record company interference, rejection, and insecurity--that have derailed so many great pop figures. "As engaging as a lively American tune" (People), Paul Simon is a "straight-shooting tour de force...that does thorough justice to this American prophet and pop star" (USA TODAY, four out of four stars). "Read it if you like Simon; read it if you want to discover how talent unfolds itself" (Stephen King).

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