Old Farmer's Almanac Container Gardener's Handbook, The Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Old Farmer's Almanac

Old Farmer's Almanac Container Gardener's Handbook, The

Old Farmer's Almanac

You can grow almost anything in a container--and do it almost anywhere! Whether you're tight for space, time, money, or other resources or just want to keep things satisfyingly simple, container gardening is the perfect way not only to explore your love of plants but also to "grow" your knowledge... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
22,95 €
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You can grow almost anything in a container--and do it almost anywhere! Whether you're tight for space, time, money, or other resources or just want to keep things satisfyingly simple, container gardening is the perfect way not only to explore your love of plants but also to "grow" your knowledge... Lue lisää

You can grow almost anything in a container--and do it almost anywhere! Whether you're tight for space, time, money, or other resources or just want to keep things satisfyingly simple, container gardening is the perfect way not only to explore your love of plants but also to "grow" your knowledge.How to start? This is where the Container Gardener's Handbook comes in. Created by The Old Farmer's Almanac, America's longtime trusted gardening resource, this third book is part of a best-selling gardening series that began with the extremely popular Vegetable Gardener's Handbook (now its sixth printing!) and was followed by the beautiful and inspirational Flower Gardener's Handbook. This newest book is a one-stop guide to container gardening success. Inside is everything that you'll need to know about growing vegetables, fruit, herbs, and ornamentals in containers to produce mouthwatering harvests and stunning displays. Filled with beautiful photos that make the book itself a joy to behold, the Container Gardener's Handbook features a simple style and language that opens up a world of fun and creativity for gardeners of all experience levels.Highlights include . . .Many gardeners will agree that there's nothing as rewarding as enjoying produce that they've grown themselves. Fortunately, growing crops in containers enables just about anyone to experience this joy--with no garden plot needed! Find out how to care for and harvest flavor-packed miniature tomatoes, salad greens, peppers, basil, chives, blueberries, citruses, cantaloupes, and other favorites to serve at your next meal!Looking for eye-catching displays to perk up a space? Discover sure-to-please ornamental plants for any situation, plus ideal ways to arrange them in decorative containers for the special look that you want. Let the mantra "thriller, filler, spiller" help you to design pots with a stunning focal point surrounded by complementary plants that fill in around it and trail over the edge!Learn about plant care, including how to identify and control diseases and pests, select the best potting mix, apply water and fertilizer--and overcome "FOOF" (fear of overfertilizing)!Wondering how big a container your plant needs? Don't know whether to use terra-cotta or plastic pots? Find out how to choose the proper container by size, type, purpose, and more.Some plants, like geraniums, have lots of varieties from which to choose. If you're overwhelmed by the many options available, just check out the recommended selections for 38 specially profiled plants.For added enjoyment, browse--and learn from--the insightful and entertaining anecdotes from experienced gardeners included in this helpful guide.This third book in a best-selling Old Farmer's Almanac gardening series takes the stress out of striving for container gardening success and replaces it with fun and excitement. Whether a gardener's goal is more food, more sensational displays, better use of space, a new growing adventure, or all of the above, the Container Gardener's Handbook makes it easy for containers to be in everybody's garden--and many other spots!
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Old Farmer's Almanac
  • ISBN 9781571989673
  • Tuotekoodi 9781571989673
  • Kirjoittajat Old Farmer's Almanac
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 02.04.2024
  • Vuosi 2024
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk harrasteet
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 208
  • Avainsanat Reference; Container; Container; Consumer Guides
  • Kirjastoluokka GAR
  • Pituus (mm) 224
  • Leveys (mm) 168
  • Korkeus (mm) 20
  • Paino (g) 522
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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