Lewd Dungeon Adventures Core Rulebook and Starter Adventure: An Adult Role-Playing Game for Couples Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Sky Corgan / Phoenix Grey

Lewd Dungeon Adventures Core Rulebook and Starter Adventure: An Adult Role-Playing Game for Couples

Sky Corgan / Phoenix Grey

Welcome to Lewd Dungeon Adventures, the game where dying is fun!
But what is Lewd Dungeon Adventures?Lewd Dungeon Adventures was designed to change the way couples see role-playing in the bedroom. This isn't your typical naughty nurse or hunky pizza man fantasy. With Lewd Dungeon Adventures, y... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
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Welcome to Lewd Dungeon Adventures, the game where dying is fun!
But what is Lewd Dungeon Adventures?Lewd Dungeon Adventures was designed to change the way couples see role-playing in the bedroom. This isn't your typical naughty nurse or hunky pizza man fantasy. With Lewd Dungeon Adventures, y... Lue lisää

Welcome to Lewd Dungeon Adventures, the game where dying is fun!
But what is Lewd Dungeon Adventures?Lewd Dungeon Adventures was designed to change the way couples see role-playing in the bedroom. This isn't your typical naughty nurse or hunky pizza man fantasy. With Lewd Dungeon Adventures, you will build memories together while also enjoying the fun of playing an actual fully immersive game and challenging yourself to try new acts of intimacy you might not have ever thought of before, some of which are necessary to move the story along.
The BasicsOne person takes on the role of a Deity while the other takes on the role of a Hero. The Deity will lead the Hero through a fantasy-based adventure, fighting monsters, exploring, and collecting sweet loot like weapons and spells.
The game is primarily based on a d6 system. That's a six-sided die (or dice, as many people refer to it). Don't have one on hand? No worries. We provide a link to a website you can use in place of one. You can also always download a dice rolling app.
Lewd Dungeon Adventures is beginner friendly. If you've never played a tabletop role-playing game before, the Core Rulebook will guide you every step of the way. There's no need to memorize everything, as the Starter Adventure also tells you what to do as you follow along. Monster stat blocks are provided on the page they appear on, so there's no having to flip to the back of the book and search around to find them.
ModificationsFor those who just want to enjoy the gameplay without all the intimacy, Lewd Dungeon Adventures can be completely converted into a drinking game. This is perfect for those who want to take the game after they've enjoyed it with their partner and play it with friends. There is also a base game modification for those who do not drink. Players can mix and match gameplay styles throughout their adventures to suit their needs. The most important thing is to have fun!
Starter Adventure DescriptionWhile passing through the castle town of Grimeshire, Lord Morgof Vitsk requested your assistance in finding his daughter, Lady Jai. The willful eighteen-year-old has often left the safety of the castle walls to go adventuring in the forest, despite her father's constant protests and threats of stern reprimanding. Lady Jai cannot seem to be tamed, though, and the last time she ventured out, she did not return.
Though gobblins (yes, that's spelled correctly) have always dwelled in the forest around Grimeshire, their numbers have increased as of late. Lord Vitsk fears that they may have captured his daughter. His intel suggests that she's being held captive at an old abandoned fort. He promises you a handsome reward if you can return Lady Jai to him unharmed.
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Ovid Games LLC
  • ISBN 9781088090176
  • Tuotekoodi 9781088090176
  • Kirjoittajat Sky Corgan; Phoenix Grey
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 27.01.2023
  • Vuosi 2023
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk harrasteet
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Sivumäärä 30
  • Avainsanat Role Playing & Fantasy
  • Kirjastoluokka GAM
  • Pituus (mm) 279
  • Leveys (mm) 216
  • Korkeus (mm) 2
  • Paino (g) 122
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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