Feminist Killjoy Handbook: The Radical Potential of Getting in the Way, The Kovakantinen, englanti

Sara Ahmed

Feminist Killjoy Handbook: The Radical Potential of Getting in the Way, The

Sara Ahmed

A renowned feminist thinker argues we need to get in the way of happiness, our own and other people's, to build a more just world Do you refuse to laugh at offensive jokes? Have you ever been accused of ruining dinner by pointing out your companion's sexist comment? Are you often told to stop be... Lue lisää

Kovakantinen, englanti US Edition
27,95 €
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A renowned feminist thinker argues we need to get in the way of happiness, our own and other people's, to build a more just world Do you refuse to laugh at offensive jokes? Have you ever been accused of ruining dinner by pointing out your companion's sexist comment? Are you often told to stop be... Lue lisää

A renowned feminist thinker argues we need to get in the way of happiness, our own and other people's, to build a more just world Do you refuse to laugh at offensive jokes? Have you ever been accused of ruining dinner by pointing out your companion's sexist comment? Are you often told to stop being so "woke"? If so, you might be a feminist killjoy--and this handbook is for you. In this book, feminist theorist Sara Ahmed shows how killing joy can be a radical world-making project. Presenting sharp analysis of literature, film, and influential feminist works, and drawing on her own experiences as a queer feminist scholar-activist of color, Ahmed reveals the invaluable lessons of the feminist killjoy, from the importance of asking questions to the power of the eye roll. The Feminist Killjoy Handbook offers an outstretched hand to feminist killjoys everywhere and an essential intellectual guide to the transformative power of getting in the way.

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Varaa tuote myymälästä kätevästi alla olevalla lomakkeella. Saat ilmoituksen jopa saman päivän aikana myymälän aukioloaikojen puitteissa, kun tuote on noudettavissa. Kun saat noutoilmoituksen, pidämme tuotetta varattuna ilmoituspäivän sekä seuraavan myymälän aukiolopäivän. Maksu suoritetaan noudettaessa. Lue lisää.


Valitse aluksi myymälä, jolloin näet myymälän saldotilanteen.

Saat ilmoituksen jopa saman päivän aikana myymälän aukioloaikojen puitteissa, kun tuote on noudettavissa. Sesonkiaikoina käsittelyaika voi olla pidempi. Odotathan noutoilmoitusta, ennen kuin lähdet noutamaan varaustasi. Kun saat noutoilmoituksen, pidämme tuotetta varattuna ilmoituspäivän sekä seuraavan myymälän aukiolopäivän.