Cannabis Grow Bible: Growing Marijuana For Beginners How to Grow Marijuana Indoor & Outdoor, The Definitive Guide - Step by Step, Cannabis, The
Have you ever thought about learning how to grow marijuana?
Would you like to learn more about the cannabis plant and how it differs from other plants?
Do you simply want to learn something new?
If you have ever wanted to learn how to grow marijuana, then this is the book for you.
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Have you ever thought about learning how to grow marijuana?
Would you like to learn more about the cannabis plant and how it differs from other plants?
Do you simply want to learn something new?
If you have ever wanted to learn how to grow marijuana, then this is the book for you.
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Would you like to learn more about the cannabis plant and how it differs from other plants?
Do you simply want to learn something new?
If you have ever wanted to learn how to grow marijuana, then this is the book for you.
No matter what you call it, marijuana, cannabis, pot, or weed, it has a long history of human use. For ancient cultures, they didn't use marijuana to simply get high, but, instead, used it as herbal medicine. The likely started around in Asia around 500 BC. America's history of cannabis dates back to the early colonists who grew it for textiles and rope.
With the ever-changing cannabis world, now is the best time to learn how to grow it. As more and more states begin to legalize marijuana, dispensaries are starting to pop up everywhere. Unfortunately, the prices there can get quite expensive. The good news is, you can learn how to grow your plants so that you don't have to worry about facing those prices.
Many people assume that growing marijuana is a long and complicated process, but it grows just like any other plant. As long as it receives the light, nutrients, and water it needs, it grows for anybody anywhere. While there are certain aspects of marijuana that works differently than your average plant, the growing process can be as simple as you make it. This book will go over every aspect of the growing process to make sure that you know what to do to make sure that you grow the best plants possible. In the book you will learn:
What the different strains of cannabis areThe life cycle of the cannabis plantHow to get your seeds ready so that they germinateHow to clone and breed your cannabis plantsThe best way to set up an indoor cannabis gardenWhat to expect during the flowering stageHow to protect your cannabis plants from pests... And much more.
Whether you have a green thumb or not, you can learn how to grow marijuana. This book is a great choice for anybody looking to learn how to grow a new plant, or you simply want to learn more about marijuana. Marijuana is an interesting plant. While it has been seen as bad, it is a naturally occurring plant in some parts of the world. Its life cycle is an interesting one, and this book is a great way to learn something new about marijuana that you likely never knew.
Whether you are looking to grow cannabis as a hobby or if you are looking at having a commercial-scale farm, this book can help to teach you the basics of what you need to know. Growing your own product is a very rewarding process.If you really want to learn more about marijuana and how to grow it, then you are going to want to have this book at your disposal. Don't wait any longer. Scroll up right now and click the "buy now" button.
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja Elmarnissi
- ISBN 9781801097581
- Tuotekoodi 9781801097581
- Kirjoittajat Anderia Zetta Andrew Paull
- Kieli Englanti
- Ilmestymispäivä 04.10.2020
- Vuosi 2020
- Tuoteryhmä Ulk harrasteet
- Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Sivumäärä 142
- Avainsanat General; Cannabis & CBD; Marijuana Cultivation
- Kirjastoluokka GAR
- Pituus (mm) 203
- Leveys (mm) 127
- Korkeus (mm) 8
- Paino (g) 145
- Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)
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