Polyamory in Paris - Erotic Short Story E-kirja, englanti

Lisa Vild

Polyamory in Paris - Erotic Short Story

Lisa Vild

"He kisses her, first gently, then he grabs her hair and pulls it, forcing her chin upwards. She looks at him, and he looks at her. Then he kisses her again, hungrier this time. With his other hand, he lets his fingers wander from her right knee up under her skirt. She trembles in his arms, but h... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
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"He kisses her, first gently, then he grabs her hair and pulls it, forcing her chin upwards. She looks at him, and he looks at her. Then he kisses her again, hungrier this time. With his other hand, he lets his fingers wander from her right knee up under her skirt. She trembles in his arms, but h... Lue lisää

"He kisses her, first gently, then he grabs her hair and pulls it, forcing her chin upwards. She looks at him, and he looks at her. Then he kisses her again, hungrier this time. With his other hand, he lets his fingers wander from her right knee up under her skirt. She trembles in his arms, but he holds her hard, she is going nowhere."

James and Andrea are bored with their predictable sex life. Both of them dream about excitement and pleasure, but they have never talked about their fantasies with each other. When they go to Paris, they agree to be in an open relationship and for the first time in their life, they get to live out their sexual fantasies with strangers. Soon it becomes clear that what they thought they knew about each other, might not be entirely true. How well do you know someone after eleven years together?

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