Mountain Delights E-kirja, englanti


Mountain Delights


There's nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves crashing against the beach, the wind caressing your breast, the feeling of water against your sex...

This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:t

"When she comes back, ... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
2,95 €
Saatavuus: Saatavilla heti, toimitetaan tilaajan sähköpostiin.
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Saatavilla myös

There's nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves crashing against the beach, the wind caressing your breast, the feeling of water against your sex...

This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:t

"When she comes back, ... Lue lisää

There's nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves crashing against the beach, the wind caressing your breast, the feeling of water against your sex...

This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:t

"When she comes back, a young man has lain his beach towel close to hers." - A Wonderful Morning by Lotte Ringkøbing

"She had let the dog off the lead and was walking along the path with the leather lead swinging in her hand." - A Walk in the Mountains by AN

"Enjoy the walk, and the nice weather," said the tour leader. "And that lovely, tight little bum I've just noticed," she said to herself." - Mountain Delights by Silkepus

"She was a shy little girl, lying on her stomach and hoping he wouldn't notice that this was her first time on a nudist beach." - A Trip to the Nudist Beach by AKS

"She was wearing little white lacy underwear which had slid up into her flower." - Sun Beach by R. Carol

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