Memory of Him - erotic short story E-kirja, englanti

Sarah Skov

Memory of Him - erotic short story

Sarah Skov

"His scent still clings to the bedding, as a final reminder. On the other side of the bed lies Elena. She breathes deeply, but her eyes flicker under the lids. Her eyelids twitch. She squeezes her eyes into thin slits, lets out a gasp and takes a deep breath. In her dream, he is still on the othe... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
1,95 €
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Saatavilla myös

"His scent still clings to the bedding, as a final reminder. On the other side of the bed lies Elena. She breathes deeply, but her eyes flicker under the lids. Her eyelids twitch. She squeezes her eyes into thin slits, lets out a gasp and takes a deep breath. In her dream, he is still on the othe... Lue lisää

"His scent still clings to the bedding, as a final reminder. On the other side of the bed lies Elena. She breathes deeply, but her eyes flicker under the lids. Her eyelids twitch. She squeezes her eyes into thin slits, lets out a gasp and takes a deep breath. In her dream, he is still on the other side of the bed." This short story is published in collaboration with the Swedish filmproducer Erika Lust. Her intention is to depict human nature and diversity through stories of passion, intimacy, lust and love in a fusion of powerful stories and erotica.

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