Lesbian Dreams - Erotic Short Story E-kirja, englanti

Sarah Skov

Lesbian Dreams - Erotic Short Story

Sarah Skov

It used to be exciting to sneak out into the workplace-bathroom to have sex with her lawyer-colleague without the rest of the office noticing. But the excitement soon faded for her - as did her lust for him. But when she books a spontaneous weekend trip to Barcelona, with accommodations at the pr... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
2,95 €
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Saatavilla myös

It used to be exciting to sneak out into the workplace-bathroom to have sex with her lawyer-colleague without the rest of the office noticing. But the excitement soon faded for her - as did her lust for him. But when she books a spontaneous weekend trip to Barcelona, with accommodations at the pr... Lue lisää

It used to be exciting to sneak out into the workplace-bathroom to have sex with her lawyer-colleague without the rest of the office noticing. But the excitement soon faded for her - as did her lust for him. But when she books a spontaneous weekend trip to Barcelona, with accommodations at the private apartment of a lesbian couple, she suddenly finds her desires returning with full force... This short story is published in collaboration with the Swedish filmproducer Erika Lust. Her intention is to depict human nature and diversity through stories of passion, intimacy, lust and love in a fusion of powerful stories and erotica.

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