Desire 2: A collection of erotic stories E-kirja, englanti

Malva B

Desire 2: A collection of erotic stories

Malva B

There‘s something for everyone in this erotic story collection: threeways, break-ups, sexual awakenings and one-night-stands. The stories center around a group of Swedes who leave Stockholm to experience new and exciting places... In the Swedish ski town of Åre Anna meets Alex at a party and spar... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
8,95 €
Saatavuus: Saatavilla heti, toimitetaan tilaajan sähköpostiin.
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There‘s something for everyone in this erotic story collection: threeways, break-ups, sexual awakenings and one-night-stands. The stories center around a group of Swedes who leave Stockholm to experience new and exciting places... In the Swedish ski town of Åre Anna meets Alex at a party and spar... Lue lisää

There‘s something for everyone in this erotic story collection: threeways, break-ups, sexual awakenings and one-night-stands. The stories center around a group of Swedes who leave Stockholm to experience new and exciting places... In the Swedish ski town of Åre Anna meets Alex at a party and sparks fly instantly. Frida travels to Uganda after a break-up and finds new people to pleasure and be pleasured by. These exciting erotic experiences presents pleasure at a whole new level.

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