Delirium - Erotic Short Story E-kirja, englanti

Sandra Norrbin

Delirium - Erotic Short Story

Sandra Norrbin

The dice guide the choices they make. The dice, for the second weekend in a row, lead Sofie to the Delirium sex club where she follows the orders that Viktor and Johan give her. She gets strapped up and fucked to orgasm after orgasm. This erotic short story is raw, hard and pushes boundaries. Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
2,95 €
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The dice guide the choices they make. The dice, for the second weekend in a row, lead Sofie to the Delirium sex club where she follows the orders that Viktor and Johan give her. She gets strapped up and fucked to orgasm after orgasm. This erotic short story is raw, hard and pushes boundaries. Lue lisää

The dice guide the choices they make. The dice, for the second weekend in a row, lead Sofie to the Delirium sex club where she follows the orders that Viktor and Johan give her. She gets strapped up and fucked to orgasm after orgasm. This erotic short story is raw, hard and pushes boundaries.

This short story is a standalone continuation of the short story "The Medical Interns".

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