Midsummer Dream - Erotic Short Story, A E-kirja, englanti

B. J. Hermansson

Midsummer Dream - Erotic Short Story, A

B. J. Hermansson

When Malin asks me if I want to join their Midsummer celebration in Dalarna, I say yes right away. It will be an idyllic and traditional celebration - we will play games, sing songs and decorate the magnificent maypole with flowers and leaves. Last but not least, we will pick seven different flow... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
8,95 €
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When Malin asks me if I want to join their Midsummer celebration in Dalarna, I say yes right away. It will be an idyllic and traditional celebration - we will play games, sing songs and decorate the magnificent maypole with flowers and leaves. Last but not least, we will pick seven different flow... Lue lisää

When Malin asks me if I want to join their Midsummer celebration in Dalarna, I say yes right away. It will be an idyllic and traditional celebration - we will play games, sing songs and decorate the magnificent maypole with flowers and leaves. Last but not least, we will pick seven different flowers to put under our pillows. Legend has it that this will make you dream about the person you will marry one day.

But Malin doesn't know that I have a secret crush on her. Will I, once and for all, have the courage to tell her? We don't really know each other that well. I don't even know if she's attracted to girls. But maybe?

"A Midsummer dream" is an erotic short story about desire and daring to trust your feelings.

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