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- Äänikirjat kauno
- Patience - erotic short story
Patience - erotic short story Äänikirja, englanti
Julie Jones- Etusivu
- Kirjat
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- Äänikirjat kauno
- Patience - erotic short story
Patience - erotic short story
Julie Jones
"I'm going to let you fuck me now, Max. Be gentle, be slow, make it last"
Max Campbell is used to having things his way. Eddie Patterson is used to giving it to him. Lovers and ex colleagues, Max and Eddie are no strangers to a stolen touch or a frantic shag in the company bathrooms. That ...
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"I'm going to let you fuck me now, Max. Be gentle, be slow, make it last"
Max Campbell is used to having things his way. Eddie Patterson is used to giving it to him. Lovers and ex colleagues, Max and Eddie are no strangers to a stolen touch or a frantic shag in the company bathrooms. That ...
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"I'm going to let you fuck me now, Max. Be gentle, be slow, make it last"
Max Campbell is used to having things his way. Eddie Patterson is used to giving it to him. Lovers and ex colleagues, Max and Eddie are no strangers to a stolen touch or a frantic shag in the company bathrooms. That was, until Eddie decided to sell his shares and leave town. Horny and tired of wanking alone and having meaningless one-night stands, Max jumps in the car to go see his old friend, desperate to have his way with him.
But Eddie has other plans. He's going to make Max work for it. Hard. But with a little bit of patience, it might just be worth the wait...
Keywords: erotica, sex, pelasure, desire, love, lgbtq, men, patience, Julie Jones
Max Campbell is used to having things his way. Eddie Patterson is used to giving it to him. Lovers and ex colleagues, Max and Eddie are no strangers to a stolen touch or a frantic shag in the company bathrooms. That was, until Eddie decided to sell his shares and leave town. Horny and tired of wanking alone and having meaningless one-night stands, Max jumps in the car to go see his old friend, desperate to have his way with him.
But Eddie has other plans. He's going to make Max work for it. Hard. But with a little bit of patience, it might just be worth the wait...
Keywords: erotica, sex, pelasure, desire, love, lgbtq, men, patience, Julie Jones
- Kustantaja / Valmistaja SAGA Egmont
- ISBN 9788726226706
- Tuotekoodi 9788726226706
- Kirjoittajat Julie Jones
- Lukijat Beau Cox
- Kieli Englanti
- Thema-luokitus Erotiikka; Nykyaikaan sijoittuva romantiikka; Novellit; LHBTIQ / tutkimus
- Ilmestymispäivä 13.11.2019
- Vuosi 2019
- Tuoteryhmä Äänikirjat, kauno
- Tuotepääryhmä Ladattavat tuotteet
- Tuotelinja Kirjat
- Genretunnus MU; RO
- Kesto 00h:20min:00s
- Kirjastoluokka 84.5
- Sähkökirjan suojaus Digital watermarking
- Brändi SAGA Egmont
- Tuotemuoto Ladattava äänitiedosto
- Tuotemuodon lisätiedot MP3
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